What are the rules against Covid-19 for back to school

From the obligation of the green pass to the controls, from the measures to be respected in the classroom to the shifts for entrances and canteens. This is how the resumption of the school is being organized
(photo: Riccardo Giordano / Ipa) After more than a year and a half of distance learning, from next week the first real return to school in attendance will start again since the Covid-19 pandemic. To ensure the safety of all educational activities, this school year will see the introduction of various health provisions, including the use of the green pass to access the buildings, the obligation to bring masks in the classrooms and staggering for entry and exit from schools or for the use of canteens.What are the rules for those who cannot receive the vaccine for health reasons?
According to ministerial provisions, only people in particular health conditions are exempt from the green pass. In this case, it will be necessary to present a special certification, issued by the health authorities, proving the exclusion from the vaccination campaign. These certifications can be issued by the regional health services or by the treating doctors and may be in paper or digital format. For this category there is no obligation to green pass, in any situation.Is the green pass compulsory also for female students?
According to the Ministry of Education, the green pass will be compulsory for "all school staff of the national education and university system, as well as university students ”who attend lectures face to face. Students in elementary, middle and high schools are therefore excluded. In addition, the certification will also be mandatory for pupils of the "institutions of higher education in music and dance, as well as for the activities of other higher education institutions connected to the university"How will the controls of the green pass to school?
The Ministry of Education is working on the creation of a special verification app to standardize the control in all educational institutions. While waiting for this to be ready, the first checks will be carried out using the app developed by Sogei, the IT company of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Verification19, already in use throughout the country.What happens to those who do not present the certification?
Failure to possess the green pass will be considered an unjustified absence for teachers and school staff and, starting from the fifth day of absence, the employment relationship will be suspended without salary or other remuneration. Students, however, will not be admitted to universities.What are the other health measures?
School staff, teachers and students will have to check the temperature at home, before going at school or university. Anyone with a temperature above 37.5 degrees will have to stay at home and can participate in remote lessons.Everyone in the classroom must always wear a mask, even those who have already received the vaccine. Those involved in assisting students with disabilities, in addition to the mask, will have to wear additional protective tools such as gloves or visors. According to the latest ministerial provisions, the desks must be spaced, but there is no longer the rule of the meter distance, however, already little followed due to the inefficient conditions of the school building, which do not always guarantee sufficiently large classrooms.
All the health provisions foreseen in the classrooms also apply to the rooms dedicated to teaching staff, where distance must be guaranteed and a mask must be worn.
Schools and universities must equip themselves with filters or other ventilation for closed environments. Alternatively, a period of five minutes must be guaranteed at the end of each hour to circulate the air with the windows open. The advice of the health authorities is to always leave at least one window open at all times.
For schools with canteens, it will be necessary to ensure the distancing of people, who will have to take off their masks to eat. Each institution will therefore have to schedule a shifts to allow everyone to use the service.
Entry and exit from the buildings will take place in stages, to avoid gatherings and contacts. In addition, there will be stations for hand sanitization.
Where are we with vaccinations for school and university staff?
According to the latest report published by the Emergency Commissioner Structure Covid-19, 90.45% of school staff and teachers are vaccinated, with one or more doses, while 9.55% still remain without vaccine, among those who refused the vaccination and those who cannot receive it for health reasons. There are about 138 thousand teachers and assistance staff concentrated mainly in some regions, which report the lowest levels of vaccination coverage. At the bottom of the ranking is Sicily, where only 79.92% of staff received at least one dose, followed by Calabria (83.14%) and Abruzzo (82.14%). While the Veneto region is in the lead, with 99.67% vaccinated.Medicine - 28 Aug
What do you plan to do with the third dose of Covid-19 vaccine
For the Scientific Technical Committee the validity of the green pass can pass from 9 to 12 months
The Ministry of Education wants to create an ad hoc app to check teachers' green pass
School start 2021 School Vaccines Vaccine coronavirus globalData .fldTopic = "School start 2021, School, Vaccines, Coronavirus vaccine"
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