The Ministry of Education wants to create an ad hoc app to check the teachers' green pass

It will work with a traffic light system: green disc for those in good standing, red for those with an expired certificate. The green light of the Privacy Guarantor is awaited
(photo: Stefano Guidi / Getty Images) An ad hoc IT platform and a traffic light system to check the regularity of the green pass of teachers and school staff. This is the solution that the Ministry of Education is working on in view of the return to class, in tandem with the Department of Health, to reach an agreement with the unions of school leaders after the long tug-of-war on the controls of the green certification from September. The ball is now in the field of the Authority for the protection of personal data, called to express itself on the validity of the project from the point of view of privacy.The ministry has put the proposal of an application to which the principals can connect every morning to have an updated situation of the green pass of teachers and staff of the institute. A green sticker will indicate who is in possession of a valid certificate (which certifies vaccination, recovery from Covid-19 or negativity to a swab carried out no more than 48 hours earlier), while a red one will signal that the pass has expired. In this case, no entry into the classroom and immediate swab to ascertain that the person is negative. Otherwise, in the absence of a valid green pass, the suspension from work and salary is triggered after five days.
According to Wired, the ministry has already presented itself to the Privacy Guarantor with a project that, as far as has emerged so far, should reduce the information in the application to a minimum: name, surname and, indeed, a green disc or red depending on the validity of the green pass. Without data, for example, indicating whether the document was obtained because the vaccination course was completed or following a negative swab. However, some passages are still unclear. Matteo Navacci, co-founder of Privacy Network, an association for the protection of information, highlights them on Twitter: what are the roles and responsibilities in data processing, how school data protection officers are involved and whether impact assessments have been made. br>
This platform mentioned by the courier configures a large-scale processing of (particular) data. Who is the owner and what are the roles and responsibilities? Has a DPIA been done for risk assessment? Is this info available to school DPOs?
- Matteo Navacci (@ mrk4m1) August 26, 2021
The offices in Piazza Venezia are now working to formulate an answer the solution put in place by the ministry, which may or may not take the form of an official opinion. The goal is to urgently release the project and then establish, as Corriere della Sera points out, "whether a law will be needed (probably an amendment to the decree of 6 August), a decree or a ministerial provision will suffice". Interviewed by Morning News on Canale 5, the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi stated that the application will be available "when the children are at school". On 6 September the bell rings for students in the province of Bolzano, while from 1 September the staff return to school to prepare for the recovery.
# VerificationC19 is the app created by Sogei with @MinisteroSalute @MEF_GOV @InnovationGov and Commissarial Structure for the emergency # Covid19
Allows you to check the #VerdeCovid19 Certification in a simple and free way
Find out how in the video👇 / B65AEUnbtZ
- Sogei (@Sogei_SpA) August 12, 2021
To check the green pass there is already an app developed by Sogei, the IT company of the ministry of 'Economy and Finance, Verification19, made available on stores for all activities that need to verify the certificate at the entrance. However, this path is considered impracticable by the acronyms that represent the principals, both for organizational reasons and for data confidentiality. Hence the solution of a system that carries out the control upstream, crossing the data. According to the president of the National Association of School Managers, Paolino Marotta, the traffic light system "is exactly what we asked for", because, he adds, "it would only certify the instant validity of the green pass, without providing the school with other data subject to privacy" .
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