The Bad Boy himself - Will Smith skin now available in Fortnite

You pave the way to the skin with V-Bucks
In contrast to the recent campaign about the superhero who is allergic to kryptonite, Will Smith doesn't have any special missions about his skin or that Unlock suitable accessories. Instead you have to put a portion of V-Bucks, the currency of the game, on the table for bad boy Mike Lowrey in his simple but stylish outfit.Recommended editorial content Here you can find external content from [ PLATFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. If you want to throw yourself into the fray with the detective from Southbeach, 1500 V-Bucks are due for the skin, which comes with a detective bag on its back in tow. For another 500 V-Bucks you get his dual pickaxes "hot spur knife". If you don't want to do without one or the other, you can get the "hot spur set" right away, because it includes both skin and dual pickaxes.
That Will Smith joins the other characters in Fortnite (buy now 37.81 €) was leaked some time ago, but many would have expected a "Man in Black" skin rather than Mike Lowrey from Bad Boys. Regardless of that, Will Smith is very well taken, the skin does the actor credit.
With the colorful range of characters, guessing the next new character in Fortnite is about as realistic as winning the lottery. Until Epic reveals which stars they still have in the pipeline from radio and television, Fortnite players can accuse each other of treason in the new imposter mode and try to expose the other players as impostors.
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