Spider-Man: No Way Home, why do we forget One Moment in Time?

The long-awaited trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home has, as usual, prompted Marvel fans to identify which was the story of the long editorial past of the Webweave that inspired the new cinematic chapter of Spider-Man. From the details that emerged from the trailer, we know that the trigger is the revelation that the teenager Peter Parker is hiding under the mask of Spider-Man, seen in the ending of Spider-Man: Far from Home.Event shocking, for a superhero, who in the comic dimension of the Marvel Universe had become a precise choice of Parker, who had shown himself to the world in his true identity during Civil War, a maxi event that divided Marvel's metahumans on the Registration Act and which was the inspiration for Captain America: Civil War. In the wake of what is seen in the trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home, many have identified the ritual performed by Strange as a reference to one of the most hated stories of the Wall Climbing, One More Day. But is this really the only inspiration of the third Spidey film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Of course not, it would be too simple, and the scenes in the trailer show that the story behind the writers is another: One Moment in Time.
Sequel to One More Day, One Moment in Time (2010) is signed by Joe Quesada, and is the spiritual sequel to the much-hated One More Day. As to why One More Day was met with disfavour by readers, it was talked about here, but it must be confessed that not even Michael J. Straczynski, author of the idea of the story, said he was particularly satisfied, as he himself said later:
“There are several aspects I disagree with, and I had pointed this out to anyone within screaming distance from Marvel, especially Joe Quesada. We came to a moment where I had made up my mind, and I had communicated to Joe that I would remove my name from the last two issues of the One More Day arc. Eventually, Joe convinced me otherwise by the end of the day, also because I did not want to sabotage Joe and Marvel, I have too much respect for both of them "
WARNING: the following may contain spoilers about Spider-Man: No Way Home
Spider-Man: No Way Home and the Influences of One Moment in Time
In fact, One More Day had turned the life of Peter Parker upside down, in the wake of the events of Civil War and Back in Black, another story that suggested some ideas to Spider-Man: No Way Home. The revelation of Spidey's secret identity has put the lives of her loved ones at risk, especially Aunt May, who is seriously injured during a firefight and risks her life. Consumed with guilt, when approached by the demon Mephisto, Peter does not hesitate to sacrifice his marriage to Mary Jane in order to save his beloved aunt, an element that was not liked by Straczynski but which for Quesada, which he considered The Marriage (1987 ) by Michelinie and Romita Sr., a story born as Shooter's editorial dictat, was an essential element. From this demonic pact, the world of Spider-Man changed radically, also motivating the poor reception from the fans.Considering that as a consequence of this Faustian pact the world forgot the true identity of Spider-Man, It is understandable that many have seen in One More Day the vital spark of Spider-Man: No Way Home. Sensation heightened by the presence of Mephisto, who has been repeatedly called into question since the release of WandaVision, even if, at present, it seems to be quite difficult to see him in action. Of course, the wink with which Strange reassures Peter about the execution of the ritual in the trailer recalls that of Agatha Harkness, the witch villain of WandaVision, a presence that refers to evil magical powers that still leaves the door open for a possible appearance of Mephisto and that we already know we will see again in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. On the other hand, with the Marvel Cinematic Universe we are used to great revelations, but the scenes of the ritual performed by Strange shown in the trailer lead to a greater influence in One Moment in Time.
In the history of 2010, in fact , Quesada imagines that after the events of One More Day, Peter and Mary Jane are able to regain consciousness of their marriage, but a series of tragic events, again hatched by Mephisto, leads Peter to understand how his secret identity, which has become known to some of his opponents, is a danger to his loved ones. An awareness that drives him to ask for help from Doctor Strange, who, after consulting Iron Man and Reed Richards, guilty in his opinion of having pushed Peter to reveal his secret to the world in Civil War, decides to please Parker, performing a ritual that makes the world, including those present, forget Spider-Man's secret identity.
This is the ritual we witness in the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer. To create further harmony with what is told in One Moment in Time, we also have Peter's desire to ensure that at least Mary Jane remembers the truth, bringing her to the last moment within the magic circle of protection from Strange's spell. A decision from which the Sorcerer Supreme had warned Peter, explaining that such a gesture could have caused terrible consequences, but that the Climbing Wall chooses to risk, later seeing his hopes shattered when Mary Jane manifests an inconceivable reaction for Parker.
Spells and Regrets
Thinking back to the dialogue between Peter and Strange during the ritual seen in the trailer, it seems evident that this is the moment in Spider-Man's editorial history to be transposed into Spider- Man: No Way Home. It can be observed that One More Day and One Moment in Time are, in fact, two deeply interconnected stories, but citing only the first without seeing in One Moment in Time the narrative source of Strange's spell seems unfair, incomplete. It is not said that in Spider-Man: No Way Home we will see other central elements in One Moment in Time, also considering the presence of enemies of a certain thickness highlighted in a more or less evident way in the trailer, but the spell of Strange is, to all intents and purposes, the most important element of that story.It remains to be seen whether in Spider-Man: No Way Home we will also be able to see the evolution of the relationship between Mary Jane and Peter, which blossomed in Spider-Man: Far From Home, according to the dynamics of two teenagers, forced to face a hostile world towards Parker's superheroic alter ego. To find out, we have to wait until December.