play5 09/21 with cover story for Jurassic World: Evolution 2, preview for Psychonauts 2 and FIFA 22

play5 09/21 with cover story for Jurassic World
Dinos always go! That is just an incontrovertible fact. In this respect, we were pleased that Frontier Developments recently invited to a preview event for the second part of the dinosaur park sim Jurassic World: Evolution. In that, there should not only be more dinosaurs, but also many improvements compared to part one and above all: larger areas to let off steam. We'll tell you what else is new in our big preview!On the other hand, the fans of the Psychonauts had to wait for a sequel much longer than for dinosaur replenishment. At the end of August, the bizarre adventure should finally be continued after more than 16 years - we have already been able to examine the title extensively and have all the new information for you! The same applies to FIFA 22, which we have now had a first look at. On four pages we tell you what new features you can expect this year and where the differences between the PS5 and PS4</a> version will be.
Otherwise there is still new information about Elex 2, Dying, among others Light 2: Stay Human or the spiritual Left4Dead successor Back 4 Blood. In the tests we take F1 2021, Chicory: A Colorful Tale, Doki Doki Literatue Club Plus! or the new Guilty Gear under the microscope. And of course we also have lots of specials for you, such as a report on the subject of an addiction trap: a video game, a retro look back at Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or a (of course completely objective) listing of the 11 best football games of all time.
The issues in detail: The cover of play5 09/21 Source: play5
Cover story: Jurassic World: Evolution 2. In the second part of the Dino-Park-Manager there should not only be more dinosaurs and space to let off steam, the developers also want to tackle many of the problems of the debut - we have them first, detailed information on the continuation! Preview: Jurassic World: Evolution 2 Psychonauts 2 FIFA 22 Elex 2 Dying Light 2: Stay Human Back 4 Blood Hot Wheels Unleashed Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin State of Play: July 2021 Most Wanted Test : F1 2021 Chicory: A Colorful Tale Stonefly Guilty Gear: Strive Scarlet Nexus Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! · Great shopping guide with all reference games · The magazine & reports team: Addiction trap video game · Football is our life! · Games Industry Icons: Roberta Williams · Sonic the Hedgehog (Retro) · What Does Virtual Reality Need for Mainstream Breakthrough? · We'd like to see these features in GTA 6! Over 160 minutes of videos on the DVD: Guardians of the Galaxy Elex 2 Elden Ring Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin OlliOlli World and much more. m. The entire play5 team wishes you a lot of fun with the new play5 09/21!
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