Play Festival of the game 2021: the conferences not to be missed

Play Festival of the game 2021
The 2021 edition of the Play Festival of the game is almost upon us and in view of the expected return of the Modenese gaming fair, which will take place in Modena from 3 to 5 September 2021, our preparatory articles continue to orient yourself at the fair. For 3 days, exhibitors and participants of the fair will have the opportunity to celebrate the game in all its aspects and to bring the playful spirit to life within the Modenese exhibition center and beyond. If the fair will be the main theater and the beating heart of Play, the Emilian city and its surroundings will also host some of the scheduled events.Between conferences, Q&A sessions and auctions to win the missing piece of their collections, let's find out together which are the meetings not to be missed.
The program of Play Festival of the game will be varied and will have something for every fan, however some scheduled events will be truly unmissable and will each represent a particular moment of the fair. We have therefore decided to collect some suggestions in order to guide the participants of the fair through the busy program (which you can consult in full here), highlighting the meetings that impressed us the most.
To facilitate the consultation of contents each of the proposed games will be accompanied by an indication of the day and time, the place and a brief description. A single clarification on conferences and meetings in general: due to the containment measures of the pandemic, for almost all events it will be necessary to register to ensure participation.
Play: the meetings in evidence
Create your game book!
Friday 3 at 12:00 (first meeting)Sunday 5 at 10:00 (second meeting)
Gallery - Uff. 6/7 Moreno Room
A series of two meetings on how to create your own game book, guiding the aspiring authors will be two of the most representative Italian personalities in the sector: Mauro Longo (in the first meeting) and Francesco Di Lazzaro (for the second meeting A follow-up session will be held in the Prototype Corner during the meetings.
Registration is required to register for both sessions:
here the link for Friday's meeting here on link for the Sunday meeting
Auctions for all
Auction Tosta 2021 - Club Treemme Ludus Boardgame ClubFriday 3 at 21:30
Modena via Paltrinieri 80
Auction Giochinscatola
Sunday 5 at 15:00
Hall A - A5 - Giochinscatola
Two themed auctions, one Friday evening and one Sunday afternoon boxed games in which collectors will be able to battle for the last offer to try to win the missing (or most unlikely) piece of their collection. to go to the Auction Tosta 2021 at the Club Treemme Ludus Boardgame Club it will be necessary to book ( and be in possession of the green pass.
Communication of the finalists of the Game of the Year and .2021
Friday 3 at 14:00Gallery - office 6/7 Sala Moreno
The Jury of the Game of the Year and Role-playing Game of the Year Award will meet the Play audience to unveil the shortlist of finalists who will compete for the victory for the 2021 edition of the award.
Terraforming Mars Q&A
Saturday 4th at 12:00Gallery - office 6/7 (Moreno Room)
Enoch Fryxellius will be available for an hour for questions about Terraforming Mars. This will be a unique opportunity for all fans to discover the secrets and background behind one of the most successful board games.
Participation in the Q&A is possible through Evenbrite at this link
Astrophysics and Terraforming Mars
Saturday 4th at 18:00Gallery - office 6/7 (Sala Moreno)
What are the scientific bases on which Terraforming Mars rests? What can you learn about Pineta Rosso by playing?
A conference in which the relationship between science and play will be explored. Enoch Fryxelius, one of the minds behind the success of Terraforming Mars, and Dr. Roberto Orosei, the scientist who first internationally discovered the existence of water on Mars, will discuss the scientific implications of this important title. strategic.
To participate in the meeting it is necessary to book (
Painting Tutorial With Zansa Paint
Saturday 4th Sunday 5th alwaysPad.A - A24
Nicola “Zansa” will illustrate step by step the painting of Be'lakor The Dark Master, revealing tips and techniques to obtain spectacular models.
How a Dungeon is born
Sunday 5 at 10:00First floor - Room 100
A meeting in which the Dungeon, a fundamental place and cornerstone of most of the adventures of RPGs, is dedicated to the creation process . Andrea Rossi, the Master of Master, will illustrate in detail how to insert traps, puzzles, clues, monsters and all that is useful to make a dungeon to be explored harmonious, lethal and full of tension.
The participation in the meeting is possible through Evenbrite at this link
Inntalk Con Inntale
Sunday 5 at 10:30 amFirst floor - Room 400
The InnTale team will be available for a Q&A session to talk face to face about the project and the evolution of the role-playing world.
Many topics will be addressed, including the evolution of the Luxastra project and future plans that will contain new IPs and initiatives important, such as, for example, the publishing and publication of comics.
An exclusive screening will be presented during the meeting.
Registration is required in order to attend and participate in the Talk
360 ° D&D - A leap into the future and back
Sunday 5 at 12:00First floor - Sa the 100
Adventurers Adriatic League in the company of Christian “Zoltar” Bellomo of Sageadvice will present an update meeting on the world of Dungeons & Dragons. the universe of Dungeons & Dragons (with a keen eye towards the evolution of organized play) and how this role-playing game can be used in social projects and, in general, to support people.
By To attend this meeting booking is required from the following link on Evenbrite