Ni No Kuni 2 for Nintendo Switch: Magical RPG previewed

Ni No Kuni 2 for Nintendo Switch
Regarding the Switch implementation of the first Ni No Kuni, Bandai Namco has not exactly covered itself with fame. The PS3 version was simply pushed onto the console, hardly changed, while PS4 and Xbox One received a graphically improved remastered edition. The technically definitely more complex Ni No Kuni 2: Fate of a Kingdom, on the other hand, now just makes it onto the console, especially in the Prince's Edition with all DLC content.Table of contents
1 Finally where it belongs 2 Kingdom Come 3 A King on the Road 4 Little War 5 Townspeople 08:46Ni No Kuni 2: Test video for the enchanting role-playing game loadVideoPlayer ('77608', '& sAdSetCsategory = article_featured', 12, '16: 9 ', false, 1377502, false, 265753, 260, false, 0,' ',' ', false); Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom from € 30.35
Finally where it belongs
The story begins with a lot of suffering and death. Instead of an expected story of revenge, there is an extremely positive, sympathetic story afterwards. Source: Bandai Namco Understand who wants. But we don't want to complain at all and are simply happy about this fact - because almost two and a half years after the original release, Nintendo fans can finally enjoy this JRPG pearl. Incidentally, it was developed by Level-5, the studio that already has a stone in the board for many fans of the Mario group with games like Professor Layton, Inazuma Eleven and Yo-kai Watch. And with Ni No Kuni 2 they should expand their fan base on the Switch even further.Read also PC NSW PS4 0
Ni No Kuni 2: Release of the second expansion known
Bandai Namco and Level 5 have the release for the second DLC expansion of Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom announced. PC NSW PS4 0Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom - New DLC announced
Bandai Namco announced the new DLC The Lair of the Lost Lord for the role-playing game Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. PC NSW PS4 0Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom - Contents of the upcoming DLCs announced
Bandai Namco has announced the first details of the upcoming DLCs for Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. The so-called "Adventure Pack" will appear free of charge for all players as early as August. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1377502,1276239,1267975,1261664'; The numerous boss fights are not particularly demanding, but they are fun and creative. Our little companion Remmi is always with us. Source: Bandai Namco Unlike the debut, Studio Ghibli is not on board here, but "only" Yoshiyuki Momose, a former character designer at the Japanese cult studio. But he also brings the typical charm across great on his own. In general, Ni No Kuni 2 is bursting with character. It starts with the beautiful world, leads through the not too complex, but nevertheless well-written characters and leads to the story, which develops surprisingly differently than you might assume at the beginning and is carried by a very sympathetic, positive mood.Kingdom Come
Depending on who we are controlling in the battles, we have access to different attacks, fiery weapons and magic attacks. That makes for variety. Source: Bandai Namco What's it about? About the young heir to the throne Evan, who finds himself in exile after a coup and the murder of his royal father. Now he makes it his business to build a new kingdom and bring peace back to the world. On his journey through all kinds of city kingdoms he is accompanied by the warrior Roland, who is thrown from the real world into the fantasy realm inhabited by beasts, in which all the events take place, and gradually, of course, many other illustrious figures join them for the party on.A king on the move
In the course of the campaign we watch our own little kingdom grow bigger and bigger by building buildings and NPCs joining our cause. Source: Bandai Namco In cities, dungeons and other target areas we walk through the area in chic graphics with lots of details. These moments are the heart of the game, primarily we're talking to NPCs, solving easy puzzles and experiencing the little stories in the different areas, which come together to form a large, overarching story. The real-time battles also take place in this view. With light and heavy attacks, magic and long-range attacks, we take action against motley enemies, as a reward there are resources and items, plus experience points. With these and various pieces of equipment, we improve our party members, who can all be controlled with slightly different action patterns in the battles and between which you can switch at any time.Little War
Especially those various cities that we explore are bursting with loving details that one cannot get enough of. Source: Bandai Namco If we are on the upper world map, a chibi look awaits us, in addition, battles with a slightly strategic feel can be completed here. Evan will control them again, but at the same time units will be arranged around him, and it will be necessary to trigger special attacks with limited battle points in order to defeat enemies and take enemy camps. Both the normal and these special fights are a lot of fun, but are also very simple and there are practically no challenges if you are halfway through leveling. Since the focus of the game is clearly not on delivering an overly crisp adventure, but on convincing with variety and charm, this is only a problem to a limited extent.City dwellers
Last but not least, there is Even a very easy-to-use city building simulation in Ni No Kuni 2. We are gradually expanding Evan's kingdom with new buildings, production facilities and NPCs, which we meet as part of main and side missions and who join us after small favors. Unfortunately, we cannot position the buildings freely, but it is still very satisfying to see your own empire flourish further and further.06:19
Ni No Kuni 2: We show the kingdoms in the video! loadVideoPlayer ('77609', '& sAdSetCsategory = article_featured', 12, '16: 9 ', false, 1377502, false, 265753, 260, false, 0,' ',' ', false); Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom from € 30.35 In addition, the residents, with their only sketchy, but still contributing to the mood, quickly grow on the heart. The system and the fact that completists can call on more than 100 subjects to their side is vaguely reminiscent of the Suikoden series of cronies, of course especially that of the best part, Suikoden 2. Truly not the worst inspiration! If the switch implementation does not fail technically, which should not be the case in view of the coherent but not demanding graphics, RPG fans can expect a real highlight here in autumn without any question.