Kevin Can F ** k Himself: episodes 1-4, preview review

Kevin Can F ** k Himself
In Kevin Can F ** k Himself we meet Allison and Kevin, a couple who have been married for almost 10 years now. Their story so far seems to have gone pretty well, albeit with ups and downs. But when the couple is about to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary, in Allison's mind, frustrated by her relationship with Kevin, something clicks…Kevin Can F ** k Himself: a light and hilarious sitcom
Kevin Can F ** k Himself is the classic fixed camera sitcom set in the home of the couple of protagonists, inside which also move a couple of secondary characters that further animate the funny scenes of family life. The main protagonists are Kevin and Allison McRoberts, a married couple on the threshold of their tenth wedding anniversary.Kevin is the prototype of the protagonist of the sitcom of the genre: rude, rude, uneducated, immature, not very smart, selfish, self-centered. These characteristics make his character perfect for a situation comedy based on the many nonsense he makes himself the author of, not without the constant complicity of his father Peter and his closest friend, neighbor Neil O'Connor; Neil is a kind of enhanced version of Kevin, but for the worse: all his flaws are in fact further amplified in Neil, which makes him the perfect sidekick for the funny misdeeds of our very nice Kevin.
As a sitcom , Kevin Can F ** k Himself has a very light and hilarious tone, designed just to snatch a few smiles and several laughs in the face of the undeniably surreal situations in which the awkward Kevin gets into all the time along with his father and his friend Neil .
To make everything even more alienating and fun there is also another detail, a fundamental characterization for characters like Kevin and his gang: self-awareness, completely absent in these three characters to the point of not realize their naive stupidity. Kevin is convinced that he is a true genius: for example, in the fourth episode, Live Free or Die, Kevin designs an escape room whose puzzles seem to him to really have no solution, except to be trivially obvious.
A character, Kevin's, halfway between the frustrating compulsiveness of The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper and the idiocy of that freak of nature in Homer Simpson's Sector 7G. And in this sense Kevin Can F ** k Himself presents itself as a sitcom that is not very original, rather, rather standardized and stereotyped: just look at the aforementioned fixed camera or the pre-recorded laughter even on the jokes that barely manage to tear a smile and saturated colors.
Kevin Can F ** k Himself: Allison's downward spiral
Kevin Can F ** k Himself is not the classic fixed camera sitcom set in home of the protagonist couple, but a series that explores the mind, psychology, frustration and patience now on the verge of a wife dissatisfied with her marriage, from which she sees no way out; a series that transmits these moods right from the chromatic choice, decidedly not very saturated and with colors that focus mainly on cold shades.After a decade in which her husband Kevin takes her for granted, making her comfortable not caring at all about her, her needs and aspirations, the exhausted woman begins to think that perhaps there is a solution to her problems. A rather drastic solution. Now that her patience has reached the critical limit, do you know what it is? There is that Kevin can go fuck himself.
Allison feels trapped in a marriage with a man, Kevin, who is literally draining every single drop of vitality in her, leaving her every day, every moment, more and more frustrated, depressed, empty, incomplete. Unlike her husband, Allison's perception of herself is lucid and merciless, but her darkest moods, more and more preponderant, help keep her trapped in a situation that she sees more and more as totally devoid of ways. simple scythes, like leaving Kevin.
Even if in front of friends and relatives she always has a smile on her face and pretends to be amused by the atrocious ideas that her husband is making, Allison actually experiences a very deep unease with Kevin and marriage with him. Due to her discomfort and frustration, the young woman also begins to make rash gestures, sometimes resulting violent, getting drunk and then forgetting much of what she said and did during the time she was drunk and getting entangled in situations that bring to mind Breaking Bad.
The two souls of Kevin Can F ** k Himself
From the two previous paragraphs it would almost seem that we are talking about two distinct products. But that's not the case at all. As much as Kevin Can F ** k Himself presents itself as a sitcom, it's actually a black comedy. In each episode you will see these two registers alternate, but you will always be able to distinguish them, not only for the very different characteristics that distinguish them, but also from the chromatic point of view: the sitcom is characterized by a rather static camera and setting, warm colors. and ultra-saturated…Mary Hollis Inboden as Patty, Alex Bonifer as Neil, Eric Petersen as Kevin, Annie Murphy as Allison; group - Kevin Can F *** Himself _ Season 1, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Jojo Whilden / AMC
… while when you turn towards the "black comedy" different locations are shown, often outside the house by McRoberts, the camera is dynamic and the colors are cold and definitely desaturated:
Initially Kevin Can F ** k Himself looks just like a simple and classic sitcom: both the title and the In fact, the basic plot is inspired by (or in any case contain some references and allusions) to Kevin Can Wait, a situation comedy that sees the comedian Kevin James as the main protagonist. However, the fact that it is not really a sitcom can already be seen from the title, shown in each episode always in a different way and accompanied by a whistle that becomes more and more acute: it is the sound with which a moment of break in Allison's mind.
Even the registers used are very different: in the sitcom the language is colloquial and sometimes even vulgar, while in the "black comedy" the language is more elaborate, as are the thematic, decidedly more diversified.
Another very important detail is that, at least in these first 4 episodes of Season 1 of Kevin Can F ** k Himself, the men protagonists, namely Kevin himself, Neil and Peter , are shown only in the sitcom-style scenes, never in those that reflect the true nature of the series, as if to symbolize the fact that these men have no other facets than those shown in the sitcom: they really are so stupid, fine. There's nothing else.
The women, Allison and Neil's neighbor and sister Patty, are instead the great protagonists of Kevin Can F ** k Himself. It is they who make the best of a bad situation, pretending to digest absurd actions and situations attributable to the men of the sitcom, and they are always the ones who prove to be rich, deep, multifaceted and complex characters.
Why men are portrayed as total morons while women are the real focus of the narrative? Why is Kevin Can F ** k Himself a feminist series? No. The reason is that Kevin Can F ** k Himself is an original series like few others, something that would seem almost impossible in 2021 and that offers us a very original point of view on situation comedy, showing us what is not seen: the side obscure, that is what happens when the camera detaches from the funny scene of the moment.
If the real protagonists of many modern American classic "family" situation comedies are mainly men, while women are relegated to supporting roles without thick enough to be eliminated after only one season, as in Kevin Can Wait, here the roles are simply reversed.
Kevin Can F ** k Himself explores the role of women in sitcoms and there shows the "behind the scenes" of the sitcoms, what happens in those moments that viewers have never been able to see, what is really behind our laughter: frustration, pain, misunderstanding, bewilderment.
The first season, co Made up of a total of 10 episodes, Kevin Can F ** k Himself will be available to stream exclusively on Amazon Prime Video from August 27th. If you love sitcoms that also explore the dark side of their protagonists, then you will certainly appreciate the Simpsons too: on this page on Amazon you can find lots of themed gadgets!