How it works, region by region, vaccination between 12 and 18 years without reservation

How it works
Teenagers should have a fast track to receive Covid-19 vaccines, but in fact the regions are proceeding in no particular order. Here is the situation case by case
(photo: Cdc / Unsplash) From Monday 16 August all the Italian regions have been invited to activate preferential lanes for underage girls and boys aged between 12 and 18, so to encourage participation in the vaccination campaign and allow young people to receive the first dose of vaccine without carrying out the classic booking. An immediate and simplified method desired by the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, who expressly asked all regional health systems to take action in this sense, with the (rather ambitious) goal of getting to administer the first dose vaccines to at least 60% of the school population of this age group by the beginning of the school year.It must be said that this is a possibility and not an obligation, and therefore no region is required to activate these simplified procedures for the benefit of adolescents, nor to do so immediately. However, if it is true that on the one hand access to vaccination hubs without reservation introduces an element of unpredictability that can be complex to manage in practice, on the other hand it becomes unlikely to be able to achieve the objectives if the times slip forward. significantly.
At the moment the real situation is rather uneven, with the regions proceeding in no particular order, declining the indication of Figliuolo in the most disparate ways. In most cases, ad hoc modalities have been activated for adolescents, in some cases in a truly virtuous way, while in some situations the commissioner's request has been completely ignored for now. In all cases, however, under 18s can receive Pfizer-Biontech or Moderna vaccines, and must be accompanied to the vaccination hub by both parents. In the event that one or both cannot be physically present, a proxy (together with a copy of an identity document) must be completed and delivered for each absent parent. Furthermore, if both are missing, there must still be an accompanying adult relative.
Since the situation is rapidly evolving, the advice is to check the latest updates on the website of your region before taking any initiatives. Here we have collected everything we know, at the moment, region by region.
In the North
Emilia- Romagna, where as of August 16 adolescents between 12 and 19 years (instead of 18) can receive the vaccine by going directly to any of the active vaccination centers, without the need for a reservation. The offer of Veneto is even wider, where the mechanism has been in force since Friday 13 August and is valid for an extended age group, from 12 to 25 years.The autonomous province of Trento gives instead the possibility of vaccinating without a reservation between 12 and 18 years, but still invites you to book to make management easier and avoid waiting. Same thing in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, where reservations for teenagers are not necessary but only recommended, and the preferential lane for young people is valid only in part of the vaccination hubs. And Piedmont has also made available for this initiative only a part of the hubs in the area, which will offer the vaccine to under 18s without a reservation until the end of August. There are also open days, and by the end of the month in some hubs it is possible to access without reservation regardless of age.
In other regions, the open day mode has instead been opted for. The autonomous province of Bolzano has organized them until 3 September (the first is today). Liguria, after yesterday's inaugural one, has scheduled them for 20, 23, 25 and 27 August, and there is also talk of a possible open night. From Monday 23 August, according to what was announced, access should be guaranteed to all teenagers without a reservation. Valle d'Aosta, on the other hand, has been offering vaccinations without reservations since last Tuesday, but only for the 12-16 age group and only on Tuesday afternoon between 3 and 8 pm at the Aosta-Palaindoor vaccination point. >
Finally, Lombardy has decided not to accept Figliuolo's invitation to the letter and to continue with the compulsory booking also for adolescents, justifying this choice with the desire to avoid gatherings in vaccination hubs. However, faster methods have been established for teenagers, so much so that the administration is scheduled within 48 hours from the time of booking.
In the center
Tuscany and the Marche since last Monday they have allowed those between 12 and 18 to get vaccinated without a reservation, by directly accessing the vaccination points. Lazio and Umbria have instead opted for a mix of solutions. In Lazio, part of the hubs accept young people without reservations, to which are added several open days organized in the various vaccination points, especially on weekends. In Umbria, on the other hand, the previous model based on pre-accessions has been abandoned and you can freely vaccinate anywhere up to 19 years, and in addition, on the Sundays of 22 and 29 August, two open days have been organized reserved for those between 12 and 19. years. In the south and on the islands
Puglia joins the regions that have accepted the commissioner's invitation to the letter, because as early as 16 August adolescents can get vaccinated without the need to book . And in Campania, vaccinations without reservations have already begun in July, and will continue in the coming weeks as well.Alternative methods have been chosen by Basilicata and Molise, where reservations are also mandatory for adolescents. However, Basilicata has created slots dedicated to people between 12 and 19 years old, while Molise has organized an open day at the Cardarelli hospital in Campobasso, scheduled for Saturday 21 August, and also allows access without reservation up to 19 years. if the pre-registration form has already been completed. No news or the possibility to get vaccinated without a reservation has been communicated from Calabria.
Finally, Abruzzo is organized by provinces: in Teramo and Chieti teenagers can get vaccinated without booking, in Pescara on Saturday 21 August there is a open day dedicated to under 18s and in L'Aquila you can get vaccinated without reservation every day but only in the morning between 10 and 13.
The open day mode with free access without reservation is the one chosen by Sicily, where several have been organized until the end of August. Furthermore, the no-booking mechanism is valid for all age groups until next 24 August. In Sardinia, however, reservations remain mandatory, now possible for everyone aged 12 and over, but ad hoc time slots have been reserved for the under 18s and you can book (as well as from online portals) also in post offices and through atm.
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Adolescence Coronavirus Vaccines Coronavirus vaccine Modern vaccine Pfizer BioNTech vaccine globalData.fldTopic = " Adolescence, Coronavirus, Vaccines, Coronavirus Vaccine, Modern Vaccine, Pfizer BioNTech Vaccine "
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