Halo Infinite: Without a co-op campaign and Forge mode at launch

Halo Infinite
While Master Chief fans continue to wait eagerly for Halo Infinite and hope that the planned release will be adhered to at the end of the year, the development studio 343 Industries shines with transparency. Unfortunately, the current developer update also has bad news in store: At launch, the title will appear without a co-op campaign and Forge mode.Co-op campaign and Forge mode are coming - only later
The postponement of these two features is probably a major blow for many fans and the most important point of the latest developer update. When asked why these two modes couldn't be served at launch, Joseph Staten, Head of Creative at Halo Infinite, answered the following:"Just as multiplayer is the blazing heart of Halo, so is the co-op campaign fundamental to the Halo experience. [...] Unfortunately, while we were focused on delivering a quality launch experience, we made the tough decision to postpone the co-op campaign and Forge mode . "
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Staten emphasized that a good gaming experience was in the foreground: "We want people to have fun while playing and experience good, stable performance. We are therefore keeping the co-op campaign and the Forge mode in the oven for a while and when they're done we'll publish them as part of our roadmap next year. "
Especially the lack of a co-op campaign might be a sticking point for some players. Some fans wrote in the comments under the update that they would therefore wait to buy until the opportunity to play the story together would be given. The missing forge mode, the level editor in Halo is also annoying, but for many it is much less painful.
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There is still no specific release date, but one only has to clarify a few details and can finally announce a fixed date soon. As Phil Spencer revealed two months ago, the team is doing everything it can to release the game at the end of the year and Staten confirmed that nothing has changed.The first season of the Free-to-play multiplayer ready. In addition, Xbox players can look forward to the possibility of a multiplayer split screen during the release. This feature will also be available on the PC, but it won't be launched at the end of the year either.
Is the lack of a co-op campaign a big break for you or do you just play the story on your own first? Feel free to let us know in the comments.
Source: 343 Industries on YouTube