There are videogame productions that, while not completely conquering the sector criticism, become real commercial hits. The reason behind this gap, excluding a priori the classic phrase "the right product at the right time", is to be found in an alchemy of factors which, while not reinventing anything of a certain kind, manage to amuse and entertain.
Ghost of Tsushima, during the last summer, showed us once again this tendency of the players to appreciate a product that amuses with immediacy and attention to detail, in spite of the votes of the specialized press and any type of criticism towards the lack of real innovations for the genre. Precisely by virtue of having revealed itself to be one of the best-selling and appreciated PlayStation 4 exclusives of last year, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut aims to conquer those players who have not yet trusted the story of Jin Sakai, as well as than bringing anyone who misses it back to Tsushima.
The face of change
from the very first moments of the game, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut proves to be exactly what he set out to be since from its genesis: the most beautiful love letter to Japanese culture in recent years. From the very explicit references to Akira Kurosawa, to oriental poetics up to religiousness and symbolism, there is really nothing out of place when looking at the aesthetic and cultural representation of Japan proposed by Sucker Punch.