Diablo 2: Resurrected: Open Beta - Blizzard Announces Date

Diablo 2
If you want to play Diablo 2: Resurrected before its release, you will soon have the opportunity to do so: On the weekend of August 13, 2021, pre-orders on PC, PS4 / PS5 as well as Xbox One and Xbox Series S / X can start an early access phase in which they can play up and down the beta. Afterwards there will be a second beta weekend on August 20, 2021, to which everyone will have access. (The rumors about the Microsoft store leak have not come true.) Blizzard has revealed many details about platforms, scope, exact times and multiplayer. In this article we summarize everything important for you. The full announcement from Blizzard can be found here.When does the early access phase start? And who is allowed in?
The first beta weekend will be playable from Friday, August 13th at 19:00 CEST and will run until August 17th at 19:00 CEST. To get the most out of the game time, you can download the client in advance from August 11th (preload).Important: The first beta weekend is only available for pre-orderers, the Diablo 2: Resurrected or the Diablo Prime Evil Collection in advance.
When does the second Open Beta weekend start?
The second beta weekend is available to all players and does not require pre-orders. You can play the Open Beta from August 20 at 7:00 p.m. CEST to August 23 at 7:00 p.m. CEST. You can preload the client on PC from Wednesday, August 18th, and on consoles from August 17th. Those who already played on the early access weekend can carry over their progress to the second beta weekend, i.e. you can simply continue playing your heroes.Which platforms are supported?
The Open Beta will be playable on PC via Battle.net as well as PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S / X. However, the Open Beta cannot be played on the Nintendo Switch, so we have to wait until the release in September.Which content (classes, files, game modes) can be played?
As in the alpha, you can try out the first and second act. The additional classes are new: In addition to Amazon, Barbarian and Sorceress, which we already tested in Alpha, there are now also Druid and Paladin. Assassin and fan-favorite Necromancer will not be playable until the September release. In the Open Beta you will also get to see the brand-new rendered cutscenes for the first time - there was a first foretaste in the trailer, here we have a little graphic comparison for you.The Open Beta will only be playable in online multiplayer , offline mode and network via TCP / IP are not available.
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More information about the open beta and the final game:
The beta will support controllers, but the implementation is not yet final. The beta will be fully translated, including German. Multiplayer over TCP / IP is not only missing in the open beta, but will also no longer be included in the final game. Blizzard justified the move with security concerns. Since the Open Beta is a pure multiplayer test, you cannot use local saved games from the original Diablo 2. In the finished game you will be able to use old savegames in single player without any problems. Such characters are of course excluded from multiplayer via Battle.net - that was also the case in the original Diablo 2. There will be no physical version of the game. Diablo 2: Resurrected appears exclusively as a digital release. So there is no collector's edition, as is usually the case with larger Blizzard titles. Already in the alpha, some players complained about longer loading times, which sometimes lead to opponents knocking you down while you are still stuck in the loading screen. This problem is especially known in the Duriel boss fight and according to Blizzard it should be fixed in the finished game. In the Open Beta, however, this deficiency has not yet been fixed, so there is a high probability that you will bite the grass at Duriel. All players are allowed to record and stream during the two beta weekends, there are no restrictions. Diablo 2: Resurrected will be released on September 23, 2021. You can find a collection of guides from our colleagues at buffed.dejsIvwCode = 'g_vgz_ArticlePage_ImageCarousel_Spiele', iSiteId = '260', adblockLink = "/ E-Commerce- Topic-223039 / news / best-deals-offers-gaming-games-1369151 / ", adblockLinkText =" bargain • Radeon RX 6600XT release • Razer Cynosa Lite € 14.32 • iiyama G-MASTER Red Eagle 27-inch monitor ( 165 Hz) € 208.24 • SteelSeries Arctis Pro GameDAC € 222.18 • SteelSeries gaming accessories bundles (including Rival 3 mouse + Apex 3 keyboard € 89.99) [advertising] "; Picture gallery (enlarge view for sources) The gallery will be downloaded ...
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