BAO Publishing news announced on Preview 70

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BAO Publishing news announced on Preview 70
THE SEEDSby Ann Nocenti and David Aja
128 pages - 17 x 26 cm, color, hardcover
€ 17.00
A dark, sharp story worthy of the best atmospheres for which the screenwriter Ann Nocenti is very popular with audiences all over the world. After the extraordinary collaboration with Flavia Biondi in Ruby Falls, the writer uses the drawings of the talented and beloved David Aja. A self-contained and spectacular volume, in a large format, for which there is great anticipation among fans of American comics.
by Balak, Michaël Sanlaville and Bastien Vivès
216 pages - 15 x 21 cm, B / W, paperback
€ 16 , 00
The grand finale of one of the most acclaimed series of recent years! After eleven volumes and over two thousand pages of pure adrenaline, the twelfth issue of the comic that has redefined the canon of the European manga is preparing for its epic conclusion! Bastien Vivès, Michaël Sanlaville and Balak have put together a last chapter full of twists and lots of action, just as they have accustomed us so far!
by Natsume Ono
208 pages - 13 x 18 cm, B / W, paperback
€ 7.90
A Japan suspended between history and myth, two men who decide to leave a ruthless band of thieves to which they feel they no longer belong, a story of friendship and redemption full of action and twists. A buddy movie that fell between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, but also the story of two men clinging to the desire for a second chance to be able to write their own destiny. The first volume of Futagashira, the new series of the Aiken line, the manga according to BAO.
by Daisuke Nishijima
288 pages - 13 x 18 cm, B / W, paperback
€ 8.90
Tim Lawrence, sole survivor of the Stray Dogs, returns to tread the stage in the clash between the Vietnamese people and the American invader: a ferocious and deadly metamorphosis has transformed his gaze, more and more like that of a real serial killer. In an intertwining of love and death, we continue to follow the most heinous conflict of the last century through the lens of Hikaru Minami.
Read our review of Dien Bien Phu 1 and buy it on Amazon.