What is the police violence policy in the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison saying

There are those who spoke of "betrayal of the Constitution", such as Minister Cartabia, and those who defend the accused agents saying that they would not do anything wrong
Detained in the Regina Coeli prison in Rome. (Photo: ALBERTO PIZZOLI / AFP / Getty Images) After the judiciary made public the results of its investigations into the abuses and torture committed by the police in the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison and the newspaper Domani released some videos that testify to them, different reactions came from politics and civil society. The Democratic Party asked the Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia, to report to Parliament on the abuses committed, while the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini expressed solidarity with the 117 agents under investigation for torture, serious injuries, ill-treatment, false public deed, slander , procedural fraud and misdirection.Numerous politicians have asked for clarity on what happened, condemning the actions of the prison police officers and the officials involved. Minister Cartabia described what happened as "an offense and an outrage to the dignity of the person of the detainees and also to that uniform that every woman and man of the prison police must wear with honor for the difficult, fundamental and delicate task that is called to carry out ". He then added that it was a "betrayal of the Constitution: Article 27 explicitly calls the" sense of humanity ", which must characterize every moment of life in every prison". Yesterday, June 30, a meeting was also held at the ministry between Cartabia, the head of the prison administration department Bernardo Petralia, the national guarantor of persons deprived of liberty Mauro Palma and undersecretary Francesco Paolo Sisto. Cartabia asked for clarity and insights into the entire chain of information and responsibility, underlining how a "condemnation in words" is not enough to resolve facts of this gravity.
Matteo Salvini's reaction, on the other hand, is different. instead argued that "you cannot put names and surnames on the front page" of the agents involved in the torture "you need respect for men in uniform who protect the street, individual errors must be punished, I know those fathers of families who are accused and I am convinced that they would not have done anything wrong ”. On the contrary, the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta spoke of actions "so intolerable that they cannot have citizenship in our country, all the more serious because they can be ascribed to those who must serve the state with loyalty and honor".
Emanuela Belcuore, guarantor of the detainees in the province of Caserta, also pronounced herself against the conditions of the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere. According to the authorities, in fact, yesterday a "black out" would have prevented the detainees from being able to watch television and "the regularly paid newspapers would not have been distributed", preventing the detainees from having the right to obtain information. Very critical voices of the facts have also been raised on the part of the lawyers' associations. Democratic judiciary, it harshly condemned the “repetition of dynamics already known in court: planning of attacks, methods of beatings, perception of impunity, reduction of the detained person as an object in the hands of the power of the custodians“. While the Area coordination underlined that it is "in no way acceptable that even one of the people that the state represents at that juncture can seriously violate the pact of trust with the community". From the Anpi, the National Partisan Association of Italy, the president Gianfranco Pagliarulo was even more critical describing the actions of the prison police as a "squad beating".
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