Twelve Minutes and Psychonauts 2 are the most anticipated games of August 2021

In any case, we are now out of time and the votes are clearly visible to everyone, so let's continue with this exception to the rule, also considering the timing with which the communication of the postponement to September of Kena: Bridge arrived of Spirits, which made it somewhat unpredictable and practically impossible to correct in a context of this kind. If nothing else, this attests to the expectation surrounding the Ember Labs game, considering it will likely go on to win two consecutive polls at this point.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits was actually the most anticipated title by the readers, but it will arrive only in September Removing the game in question as "out of competition", we can still analyze the trend of the votes based on the other results, keeping in mind the great preference expressed by readers for the exclusive console on PS5. For the rest, even August looks like a month marked by indie titles, real rulers of the scene in this summer phase of the videogame market, beyond a few titles of greater caliber that, evidently, have taken a nice break to reappear then around September.
This situation gives space to different and often very incisive experiences, which can take advantage of a period of distance from the games with a higher marketing rate to be able to emerge in a more clear and calm way, so we welcome this August with great pleasure 2021 heralds several innovations.| most anticipated game of August in Twelve Minutes, the new narrative-driven adventure by Luis Antonio and Annapurna. The idea of the 12-minute time loop that is repeated inexorably on the screen, but each time with the possibility of changing some aspects, has certainly stimulated everyone's curiosity towards this very particular experiment.
The interactive thriller in question emerged after a relentless fight between three games in particular, with the other two finishing tied, only one point behind the winner. The second place is therefore shared between two titles of sure interest for next month: Psychonauts 2 and Humankind.
Humankind is a 4X strategy on human civilization Already the fact of putting together two such different games is a clear sign of the variety of experiences that awaits us in the next month: the first is the long-awaited sequel to Double Fine's splendid 3D adventure platform, which lends itself to evolving the experience of the original in different directions, both from a narrative and technical point of view and on the front of the gameplay but without giving up its particular atmospheres to the charisma typical of the characters.
The other is a 4X-style strategy game reminiscent of Civilization and is based on the evolution of human civilization within various historical eras. To close the podium we find a notable outsider such as No More Heroes 3 coming to Nintendo Switch, which can be considered perhaps the only standard production among the most voted for this delivery, while below this the preferences are scattered. in small quantities on a large number of other games.
The most awaited by readers
Psychonauts 2 presents itself as a substantial evolution, in every sector, of the historical progenitor Here we are at the problematic issue : the survey was released yesterday to the readers of a few days ago and closed, as usual, within 24 hours. As soon as the results were definitively recorded, confirmation from Ember Lab arrived that Kena: Bridge of Spirits was postponed to September, effectively invalidating the result, given that the game in question was the most anticipated result of August 2021. Not being able to consider it as such, logically, we have to climb to second place to find the most anticipated game actually arriving in August 2021 and it is then Psychonauts 2. Double Fine's long-awaited 3D platform adventure has actually garnered a fair amount of preferences, placing it at a not-so-huge distance from Kena, considering how much the latter has been brought to the public's attention as a major summer production for PS5.No More Heroes 3 seems to be a worthy madness to add to the series The first chapter of the adventures of Raz and his companions has become a real cult, delivered to the history of video games as one of the 3D platformers with the greatest charisma and narrative substance and from Psychonauts 2 we expect an evolution at all levels, so it is a game to be held in high regard.
The two titles mentioned are practically the only ones really expected in August by the readers of the site, as is evident from the classic "None" choice that easily wins the third position and from the very low percentages that characterize the other titles in the list.
Among these, the only ones that emerge a little from the bottom are Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut, an enriched version of the Sucker Punch title also arriving on PS5, the interesting Twelve Minutes of Annapurna and then No More Heroes 3.
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