The Walking Dead: Last season is exclusive to Disney Plus

The Walking Dead
The eleventh and thus also the last season of The Walking Dead starts in a few weeks. In advance, fans in Germany have now also found out where they can see the upcoming episodes. Accordingly, the finale will be exclusively available on demand at Disney +. So far, Sky always had priority in the new episodes. As usual, the episodes will be published in German and in the original sound shortly after the US broadcast.It will start on August 23, 2021 with episode 1 of the eleventh season. Every Monday at 9 a.m. there will be another episode of The Walking Dead on a weekly basis. However, this time the producers even split the series into three parts. Seasons 11b and 11c will therefore only start next year. In this country, The Walking Dead can be found in the star section of Disney +. When and whether the series finale will later end up on Netflix is still unclear.
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When does the eleventh and therefore final season of the series The Walking Dead begin? There is now an answer to that. PC PS4 XBO X360 PS3 0The Walking Dead: Date for the new episodes of Season 10 - when will TWD continue?
When does The Walking Dead Season 10 continue? There is now a specific date for the start of the additional episodes. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1376608,1374964,1369950,1362350'; Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. Even if the adventure of Daryl, Carol and the other survivors draws to a close, there will be many more projects from the universe in the future. This includes, for example, a spin-off series with Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride in their well-known roles as Daryl and Carol. Rick Grimes - played by Andrew Lincoln - will also get a film. The anthology series called Tales of the Walking Dead is also planned. Two shows are already running parallel to the main series: Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead: World Beyond.‘The Walking Dead’ Season 11 Trailer Is Good, Maybe Too Good
I wish I trusted The Walking Dead more. I really do. I trust it just enough to care about this in the first place, which is more than I can say for Fear The Walking Dead.
The first full-blooded trailer (as opposed to this weak sauce) for The Walking Dead’s 11th—three-part—and final season dropped over the weekend and it’s honestly one of my favorite TWD trailers. Quite possibly one of the best ever made for AMC’s zombie drama.
It’s epic. It’s exciting. It’s really well-edited, which is a little surprising. It’s maybe just a tiny bit too long, but I don’t even mind. It’s a fun trailer! I’d enjoy this trailer even if I’d never watched a single episode of the show, and that’s a good thing.
It does the trick. It gets us hyped for the Season 11 premiere on August 22nd and makes us think about what the final season of The Walking Dead truly means to us as viewers, why we care still, what the stakes are. This show has been a part of our lives for a decade for better or worse. There’s no other TV show I’ve covered and reviewed longer, including Game Of Thrones. I’m invested and this trailer reminds me why.
I have high hopes. And I have grave doubts.
The Walking Dead Season 11 Trailer
Credit: AMCSee, this is why I wish I could just be an unabashed Walking Dead fanboy instead of a critic sometimes. I wish I could watch this trailer and feel nothing but pure glee and anticipation and maybe a little stress about who dies and who survives and who maybe just shambles on ad infinitum. In the in-between.
Alas, I’m a critic, and The Walking Dead has earned both my lingering mistrust and my renewed hopes. The Walking Dead is nothing if not uneven as hell. Even its most ardent fans can agree on that.
Regardless, you can’t judge a movie (or a TV show) based on its trailers. I’m pretty sure Fear The Walking Dead’s first Season 6 trailer was better than the entirety of Season 5. Like looks, trailers can be deceiving. You just can’t trust something that’s distilled down almost to the realm of illusion. A good trailer deceives audiences into thinking a bad movie will be good or tricks them into wanting to see a good movie without giving away too much. Either way, this is a magician’s trade.
Nevertheless, this is a riveting, blood-pumping, heart-pounding 3-minute trailer with a fun little “hidden” scene at the end and you should watch it, even if you’re not watching the show these days. It’s a good production in its own right. It leaves you guessing. Negan says, “The only way this works is if we trust each other” while someone hands Maggie a gun. Probably Negan, but maybe it’s a feint. Maybe they’re messing with us; maybe they’ll undo the fun of that by spoiling stuff on Twitter, who knows?
We see Maggie taking off a Whisperer mask, but we have no clue why. We see bits and pieces of the new enemies: The Commonwealth and the Reapers, the former somehow more sinister, the latter more frightening.
Oh, and we see the kids of the apocalypse brandishing wooden swords, which is pretty cool:
The children of men
Credit: AMCGive it a watch and let me know what you think. I’ll be reviewing the final season starting in August. Just 24 episodes to go . . . .
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