The second dose of AstraZeneca does not increase the risk of rare thrombosis

The analysis of the database of adverse reactions conducted by the pharmaceutical company shows that the risk of vaccine-related thrombo-embolic events (already very low) decreases after the second dose
(photo: Mika Baumeister / Unsplash) AstraZeneca it is not going to pass for the one that has produced a "series B vaccine" and tries to raise the level of confidence. The data on the other hand seem to agree with you: an analysis of the database that collects the adverse reactions post-vaccine Vaxzevria (conducted by experts from the same pharmaceutical company) indicates that the already very low risk of blood clots does not increase after the administration of the second dose. .The AstraZeneca analysis, published in the Lancet journal, states that up to 30 April 2021, there were 13 case reports of post-vaccine thrombocytopenia (TTS) in the 14 days following the second dose of Vaxzevria. on 5.62 million people. The risk, therefore, would be 2.3 cases of TTS per million vaccinated, lower than that of 8.1 per million vaccinated calculated after the first dose in the same period of time (after the first dose, cases of Tts reported were 399 out of 49.23 million administrations).
The authors of the analysis also specify that with the information available they were not able to identify any specific risk factor nor was it A definite cause for vaccine-associated clotting problems can be traced. But we will continue to investigate.
Analysis, scientists acknowledge, has limits which are those of compiling databases, so it cannot be excluded that the total cases are underestimated. On the other hand, it cannot even be ruled out that "increased media attention" may "have led to an erroneous classification of events", especially in European countries that have limited the Vaxzevria vaccine to older populations.
For the company, these data support both the safety and utility for pandemic control of the two-dose administration protocol of the Vaxzevria vaccine, especially if no problems occurred after the first dose. Further confirmation would come from other real-life surveys on over one and a half million people that the company is conducting and whose results are available in pre-print also on the Lancet. According to this analysis, in summary, the incidence of rare adverse effects such as thrombo-embolic events both after Vaxzevria and after mRna vaccines is much lower than that which occurs in cases of Sars-Cov-2 infection. .
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Coronavirus Vaccines vaccine AstraZeneca-Oxford Coronavirus vaccine globalData.fldTopic = "Coronavirus, Vaccines, AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine, Coronavirus vaccine"
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