The demonstration against the green pass in Rome was a failure

Supporters of the Io Apro movement and the neo-fascists of Forza Nuova were present, and there were attacks on journalists and posters that associate green certification with apartheid

Protesters against the green pass in Rome (photo: Ipa) The demonstration organized yesterday in Rome against the green pass was a failure, the certification attesting to the vaccination, healing or negativity of a Covid-19 tampon, which will be necessary to participate in various activities open to the public from next 6 August. Less than a thousand people in the square, compared to the 50 thousand that had been announced. Among these, the entrepreneurs and workers of the Io Apro movement and the neo-fascists of Forza Nuova including the leader and prejudiced Giuliano Castellino.

Not even the Northern League supporters Claudio Borghi and the conservative Catholic Simone Pillon, as well as Gianluigi, took part in the protest Comparison, former 5 Star Movement, who had announced their support. The few people in the square immediately hurled themselves against the journalists present, amid insults, pressures and chants against the press. While around 4.30 pm they tried to overcome the police line that closed the access roads to Piazza del Popolo where the demonstration was taking place.

On the posters carried by the protesters written as “green pass = apartheid” and bold combinations between certification and Nazi-fascist laws against people of Jewish faith. There were also demonstrators with the yellow star of David on their chest and the words "no vax". Symbols harshly criticized by the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese and by the Jewish community, already in the previous days. "We can make all appeals to common sense and to use our brains, but the one between the persecution of Jews and vaccination provisions is an unbearable, crazy comparison, they are not comparable" said Ruben Della Rocca, vice president of the Jewish Community of Rome in a statement reported in the local newspaper Romatoday "but then this instrumental use of the yellow star: we are horrified to see it pointed at anyone's chest because there is no connection with the tragedy of the Shoah".

The movement against the green pass is contesting the new health provisions approved by the Council of Ministers last July 22, according to which it will be necessary to be in possession of the certification to go to the cinema and theater, consume indoors in restaurants or at the table in bars and participate in all events open to the public (except religious services). We remind everyone that the green pass is a non-mandatory certification, totally free and above all constitutionally valid, as art. 16 of the Italian Constitution states that “every citizen can move and reside freely in any part of the national territory, except for the limitations that the law generally establishes for reasons of health or safety”. Furthermore, the certification does not imply the obligation of vaccination, but certifies both vaccination, recovery or negativity to a test for Covid-19.

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