Save over 30% on your dream vacation with Smartbox

Furthermore, choosing your holiday on Smartbox now means saving large sums of money, which is fantastic if we consider that we are in the height of summer, when the prices of Hotels, SPAs and travel tend to increase exponentially. Therefore, those of Smartbox could be the last opportunities to buy and book your holiday at affordable prices, and that is why below we will point out some of the experiences that you can find on the portal pages.
As mentioned, the the possibilities are endless, but we believe that there is no better than spending 3 days of relaxation and taste, with a 2-night stay, 2 dinners and 1 access to a beautiful SPA, choosing one of the hundreds of locations available, which will also allow those who wants to get too far from their region to be able to spend wonderful times together with their partner. An experience that will surely remain etched in your mind, thanks also to the pleasures of the table, which will allow you to discover the typical flavors of the area with 2 irresistible dinners that will delight any gourmet. In short, one of the many ways to forget the stress of everyday life, which is offered with a 20% discount.
Obviously, this was just an example of what the Smartbox catalog offers, and that's why we suggest you do not delay any longer and take a look at the dedicated page to discover all the other experiences. Before moving on, we remind you that on our pages you will continue to find the best bargains on the network, and this also applies to our four Telegram channels, respectively dedicated to Offers, Hardware & Tech, Clothing and Sports and Chinese products, such as those of the Xiaomi, Redmi and Huawei brands. If you are interested in discount codes, you can instead consult our special page. Happy shopping!