Samurai Gunn 2, the tried of the early access version

Samurai Gunn 2
It was 2013 when the first Samurai Gunn debuted in the market by bringing players to train their reflexes with a winning mix of swords and bullets. The game of game designer Beau Blyth and his team placed enormous emphasis on multiplayer competition, allowing through simple rules and lightning-fast gameplay to battle within fascinating arenas and a well-thought-out retro aesthetic. Eight years later, the sequel debuts in early access on Steam keeping its original formula unchanged but trying to introduce a series of new dynamics and numerous improvements. We'll tell you about them along with our first impressions after trying the early access version of Samurai Gunn 2.The heart of multiplayer
Samurai Gunn 2: character design In Samurai Gunn 2 is not much has changed from the basic idea brought to the stage by the first chapter. The frenetic gameplay, based both on the style but also on the reflexes of the player, is always present and represents the soul of this multiplayer action. The work of the development team went in a very specific direction: enriching the experience with new modes and game elements. But let's start from what is the beating heart of the whole experience, or the Versus mode. Whether online or locally, you can always try your hand at a free-for-all up to four players, in which to throw yourself headlong into the action after choosing a character from those available, each with its own movements and peculiarities.| a fatal blow from the katana. Normally each samurai in the game has three pistol shots, an unlimited use of his sword (or whip) and the ability to move easily throughout the setting. From double jumps on the wall to sudden climbs and lightning-fast dodges: everything is as remembered by those who have played Samurai Gunn. Inevitably, new usable characters and new scenarios have been added, with crossovers drawn from other famous independent games: among these are Ana from Spelunky 2 at the moment and the protagonist of Minit. From this point of view the team has done a great job in making the movements of the characters consistent with the game they belong to, while the sprites in pixel art are now less minimalist and help to make the members of the roster recognizable.Adventure Mode
Samurai Gunn 2: the stage inspired by Minit In short, Samurai Gunn 2 is once again at its best in the company of three other friends locally, but as far as the multiplayer experience is concerned, the job is it was more of a chisel than a chisel, since the experience that had done so much previously has been preserved intact. Where instead we tried to propose something different is with the Adventure mode. Designed for lone wolves looking for single player experiences (even if it can be played in co-op), this mode will put you in the shoes of a lone samurai who has entered the Forbidden Forest and ready to slice anyone who decides to hinder him. The path of this mode is marked by a series of stages, each of which ends with a memorable battle or the discovery of a statue thanks to which to obtain new weapons and other gifts. This gives you new skills and more possibilities in single player combat, an interesting idea but which is not currently being extended to multiplayer. To differentiate the fighters too much could add a decidedly more intriguing strategic component in the choice of your character, but at the same time it would risk cracking the excellent balance on which the competitive mode is based. In some ways the Adventure conceptually follows the progression of some exponents of the roguelike genre, but in moments of action the game remains unchanged, offering the same sudden, frenetic and stylish clashes that characterize multiplayer.Samurai Gunn 2: you fight Whether you face a henchman of the first levels or a boss of the more advanced scenarios you will always find bread for your teeth. As things stand, the Adventure mode doesn't have that many levels, but with this early access version the team clearly wanted to focus on the heart of the multiplayer and present the foundation for single player, as well as adding a digital comic that tells a nice story to go with. to adventure mode. The team has promised that over the course of the year it will continue to enrich the game, obviously completing the comic and adventure mode, but also expanding the Versus with new settings and other characters, perhaps with further collaborations and crossovers. Although incomplete, Samurai Gunn 2 already presents itself as a valid successor. Solid, fast-paced, stylish and challenging, the game's gameplay is the real core of the Teknopants title. The interesting innovations introduced by the Adventure mode and the narrative expansion of the comic are also welcome additions, although the soul of the game clearly resides in the violent and frenzied multiplayer battles. For sure the early access version of Samurai Gunn 2 still has a lot to offer, but with a clear path to follow, we are sure that the developers will not disappoint.