Psychonauts 2: You can become invulnerable at the push of a button

Psychonauts 2
On Twitter, Double Fine, the development studio behind the wacky adventure Psychonauts 2, not only campaigned for accessibility in video games, but also revealed a unique feature for their latest title. Thanks to one setting, you should be able to become invulnerable in Psychonauts 2 so that you don't have to despair at any point.Double Fine advocates accessibility in video games
Trigger for the tweet by Double Fine was a previous tweet from Xbox that said, "Playing a game on the lowest difficulty level still means you've made it." Double Fine agreed with this opinion and wrote: "If you play through Psychonauts 2 with the Invulnerable feature, you have played through Psychonauts 2 anyway." The development studio thus clearly showed which side it is on in the eternal discussion.Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. Double Fine believes that everyone has the right to enjoy a game: "All people should be able to enjoy games. All ages, with whatever needs. It is an ongoing and very important process in the industry and a challenge that we face have to face us. At the end of the day we want you to have fun, laugh and experience a story that touches you. Regardless of the conditions. "
The eternal discussion about the level of difficulty
The discussion about levels of difficulty and accessibility in video games is almost as old as the medium itself. Especially the Dark Souls series from From Software, famous for its challenge and the lack of an option for a level of difficulty, this debate rekindles every few months. The trailer of Elden Ring at the Summer Game Fest 2021 was no exception.Double Fine makes it clear which side the developer studio is on. In their tweet, they parody the numerous video game gatekeepers and Git-Gud writers with a sarcastic "quote": "Uh, sorry, I made Sword Guy Serious Time in no-hit hard mode and if you couldn't do it too I don't respect you. Besides, are you allowed to comment if you haven't reached Diamond Six Rank in Shooty McBlam? I don't think so. "
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After a long development period, Psychonauts 2 is as good as finished: Double Fine and Microsoft will release the game on 25 August. PC PS4 XBO 0Psychonauts 2: How about the development of the platformer
What about the development of the platformer Psychonauts 2? There is a first-hand answer to that. PC PS4 XBO 0Psychonauts 2: More extensive thanks to Microsoft takeover
The takeover of Double Fine by Microsoft is intended to provide better financing for the platformer Psychonauts 2. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1376112,1373876,1364422,1354094'; It's not the first time Double Fine has taken a clear position on controversial issues in the video game industry. Just last month, Senior Producer Kevin Johnson announced that Psychonauts 2 was created without crunch, i.e. without inhuman overtime.Psychonauts 2 (buy now 69.99 €) will officially be released on August 25, 2021 and ends up on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S / X and PS4 and, thanks to backward compatibility, also on the PS5. Gamepass owners can also enjoy the game at launch. If you want to take a closer look at Psychonauts 2, take a look at our preview.
Source: Double Fine on Twitter
The Invincibility Mode In ‘Psychonauts 2’ Will Make It A Better Game
One of the biggest cult hits of the Xbox/PlayStation 2 generation of consoles was the bizarre and entertaining Psychonauts. Directed by Tim Schafer and developed by Double Fine Productions, Psychonauts was praised for being a game that dared to be unique in art style and tone. As time went on, it became an example of a game that aged extremely well thanks to its quirks, and when a sequel was announced in 2015, there was a notable excitement surrounding it. Video game fans couldn’t wait to get back into that world.
Double Fine saw this adoration for their game and decided to make an admirable decision: They wanted to make sure that everyone could experience their game. Whether it was longtime fans, newcomers, or people that have never played a video game before, Psychonauts 2, which will come out later this year, is going to be a game for everyone to enjoy. So apparently, they’ve added an invincibility mode to the whole thing. The way they announced this was actually very funny, because it was in response to a tweet from Xbox about how beating a game on the lowest difficulty is still beating the game.
Unfortunately, the response to this tweet wasn’t exactly positive. There were complaints about video games being too easy and how nobody has truly beaten a game unless they’ve played it at the difficulty the developers intended. Essentially, it was a lot of people gloating about how they’re very good at video games. Double Fine was having none of this and doubled down on their original statement.
Everything Double Fine said is correct. Video games are not something that should be walled off to only those that want to experience a challenge. Video games are meant to be accessible and enjoyed by everyone. It’s an art form and there’s never a good reason to exclude people that want to experience it. When video games have easier difficulties — or an invincibility mode, in the case of Psychonauts 2 — they are not just allowing more people to experience their game, but as a developer, they’re making a conscious decision to be inclusive. There are people who want to play games because they love the stories they tell or the gameplay associated with them, but are unable to experience them for various reasons. Games like Psychonauts 2 are embracing these people and telling them that games are for them, too, and members of that community feel supported because of it.
Psychonauts 2 is going to be a better game because it has an invincibility mode. Video games are for everyone, and if a developer wants to add an invincibility mode, then good on them. More games should consider it.