No genders are also no vax. And that should worry us

The Family Day Association, Gandolfini and Pillon against the restrictions on access to school for unvaccinated students. As in the battle against the Zan law, the state is considered an enemy, the absolute sovereign family and responsibility towards the community does not exist
(photo. Fabrizio Corradetti / LaPresse) What do vaccines against Covid have to do with an association created to promote the defense of Christian values in society and in schools? At first glance nothing, in reality a lot and the overlap between no-gender and no-vax activists should open our eyes to the real objectives and ideological structure of the Catholic extremist movement that organized the Family Days in Italy and that found a bank to get to Parliament.If you look at the list of the latest press releases of the Family Day association led by the neurosurgeon Massimo Gandolfini, we find in the midst of invectives against the Zan law, the accusations of "manifestations of intolerance and villipendio" at the Pride attack on the Lazio Region for trying to introduce guidelines in schools for the accompaniment of trans identities, a couple of interventions against the vaccination campaign and in particular against the hypothesis of excluding students whose families have chosen to do not vaccinate your children. “We consider it unacceptable” - writes Gandolfini - “to impose a sort of“ compulsory vaccination ”by making an illegitimate discrimination among the students themselves. The right to education belongs to everyone and any hateful discrimination between “vaccinated and unvaccinated” students will provoke dangerous conditions of social conflict within the national community ”. Simone Pillon, the man that the movement got to be elected on the League lists, is also opposed to the green pass and has declared that "vaccines that are still in the experimental phase cannot be forced".
Non is the first time: in 2017, when Minister Beatrice Lorenzin introduced compulsory vaccination in schools, CitizenGo, one of the associations of the Family Day galaxy, hosted on its pages a press release from the Moige with a collection of signatures entitled "The state does not you tear the children away from their parents! ". In the No vax event in Milan in mid-July, "Hands off the children" was one of the most repeated slogans and it is the same slogan that fills the squares of Family Days.
Obviously we can discuss the merits of the obligation vaccination as well as on the merits of the Zan law, trying to rationally argue the need for health prophylaxis as well as that of education for gender equality and the fight against bullying in schools, but none of this will move the terms of the question with respect to a range of public opinion that considers the state an enemy that wants to take over the bodies and minds of children and for which the Zan law and vaccination obligation are two variants on the same theme. And in fact, in both cases Gandolfini and his movement raise the banner of article 30 of the Constitution - it is the duty and right of parents to maintain, educate and educate their children - which, according to them, establishes the "educational priority of parents" , understood as the monopoly of the family on the education and life of minors, outside any community bond and individual right. The master family decides and the state must step back from any attempt to impose rules that, in addition to individuals, protect common goods such as public health and the creation of a safe school environment for every boy and girl, regardless of gender identity and orientation. sexual. This is a secession from democratic society, from the civil community understood as a space of collective responsibility, not too silent, that has been going on for fifteen years. Curiously, at its root it is not very different from that operated by ethnic communities present in our country accused, often by extremist Catholics themselves, of not wanting to integrate with our customs and cultural identities.
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