How to download the green pass on iPhone and Android

All the apps and solutions to always carry the important certification with you
(Photo: Green Pass) From next 6 August the green pass will be necessary to access fairs or festivals, swimming pools or gyms, tables indoors at the restaurant, to visit exhibitions, shows, cultural events or sports competitions, but also theme and amusement parks. How to download this important certification on your Android smartphone or iPhone?Introduction: the green pass is generated automatically after having carried out the vaccine, after having received a negative result of a swab (in this case it will be valid 48 hours) or after recovering from Covid-19. You receive an email and / or a text message with a code called authcode which you can use to download a copy of the certificate with qr code. In addition, you can switch between a series of apps.
The public services IO app - which many have learned to use especially for cashback - automatically receives the Green Pass, requires accreditation with Spid or Cie or by entering the number of the health card. It works on Android and iPhone.
The Immuni app used for tracking is also able to receive and save the Green Pass to always have it available. It works on Android and iPhone.
Through the browser of the Android smartphone or iPhone, you can connect to the Digital Green Certificate portal, get accredited with Spid, Cie, health card or identity card and download the pdf with the code qr.
You can also download the Android or iPhone app of your region of residence relating to the Regional Health Record to receive certification in digital format.
You can save the Green Pass on iPhone Wallet as if it were a travel document through an open-source and secure service (since it only works locally) called CovidPass which only requires you to scan the QR code and choose the background. It can also be transferred to the Apple Watch display.
With the StoCard application, it is possible to save the Green Pass in the collection of loyalty cards, both on Android and on iPhone, also being able to protect access with a pin or biometric recognition.
Finally, to check the validity of the code there is the official VerificationC19 control app for both operating systems, which protects users' privacy.
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