Games Aktuell 08/21: previews of Forza, Elden Ring and more

Games Aktuell 08/21
You really can't complain about the lack of topics in Games Aktuell 08/21, as one potential hit chases the next, across all platforms! In this issue we have, among other things, the new adventures of Link (the successor to Breath of the Wild) and Samus (Metroid Dread) in our luggage, the new Battlefield 2042, information about Far Cry 6, impressions from a virtual event on Jurassic World Evolution 2, an analysis of the fresh trailer from Elden Ring and much more - everyone should really find at least one highlight that they can look forward to in the next few months!Games Aktuell 08/21: Previews to Forza, Elden Ring, Far Cry 6, Stalker 2, Jurassic World Evolution 2, Battlefield 2042 and more (1) Source: Computec Media GmbH On the test front this time we will discuss, among other things, the PS5 hit Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and why the title belongs in the library of every proud PS5 owner. We wielded the swords as knights in Chivalry 2, dropped the dice (figuratively) in Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance, teamed up with Monsties in Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, and much more. As usual, there are also interesting specials, such as the history of jumping games.
The new edition is now available digitally and from July 21st at the kiosk. Subscribers usually receive the magazine a few days earlier.
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23.06.2021 - 10:11 | Quelle: Dow Jones Newsw... | Lesedauer etwa 2 min. | Text vorlesen Stop Pause Fortsetzen
EQS Group-News: Dynamic Data Development AG / Key word(s): Capital IncreaseDynamic Data Development AG successfully completes capital increase to finance further growth2021-06-23 / 10:10Dynamic Data Development AG successfully completes capital increase to finance further growthHerisau / Winterthur / Weingarten - (ISIN: CH0458395321 - Valoren: CH045839532)Dynamic Data Development AG (ISIN: CH0458395321, Securities: CH045839532) is an innovative Swiss software developmentcompany with several international locations developing mobile games for iOS and Google.Dynamic Data Development (ISIN CH0458395321) has successfully completed its capital increase from authorized capitalfor growth financing.After registration of the capital increase in the commercial register of the company, Dynamic Data Development AG'sshare capital increases from CHF 700,000 to CHF 1,050,000.Dynamic Data Development AG would like to announce that as of August 1, 2021, shares will only be issued to existingshareholders. Due to high demand, it is necessary to impose a restriction in this respect. Through the capitalincrease, the company has further improved its already very comfortable financial situation so that it will be able toreact flexibly and at short notice to inorganic growth opportunities in the future.The management believes that the company is now ideally positioned to implement its growth plans. In addition, thenumber of shares in free float was raised with the aim of increasing the trading liquidity of Dynamic Data Developmentshares and thus enhancing their attractiveness. The strategic goal is to grow both organically and throughacquisitions.In addition, Dynamic Data Development AG plans to expand its international advisory board.Investor relations:Dynamic Data Development AGBahnhofstrasse 19CH-9100 Herisau ARinfo@dynamicdatadevelopment.chwww.dynamicdatadevelopment.chEnd of Media Release1210772 2021-06-23
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
June 23, 2021 04:11 ET ( 08:11 GMT)