Forza Horizon 5: The beautiful landscape of Mexico - this variety awaits you

Forza Horizon 5
Microsoft and Playground Games release new screenshots of Forza Horizon 5. This time, the focus is on the eleven types of landscape that you will be racing through in the upcoming racing game. As a player, you are out and about in an open game world in Mexico - and whiz through deserts, jungles, cities, fields, beaches and mountain landscapes and past a snow-covered volcano. "We knew right from the start that we wanted to implement the largest Forza Horizon yet," said Creative Director Mike Brown to the Xbox blog.At the same time, the developers also knew that this would mean the greatest variety of landscapes to date in Forza Horizon 5. "Mexico is almost the entire world in one country: snow-capped peaks, tropical jungles, great beaches, ancient architecture, and modern cities. If you add Mexico's wonderful culture - the music, the art, the history, and the people - then there is there is no more exciting location for the Horizon Festival, "continues the developer.
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