Final Fantasy 7 Remake: shirogane_sama's Tifa cosplay is shiny

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is one of the most popular games of recent years and a great success for Square Enix. After all, the original work is still loved today, and its protagonists are among the favorites of many. If we compiled a ranking of the best characters, we would probably also find Tifa among the top positions. Now, shirogane_sama offers us a new cosplay of Tifa.shirogane_sama is not new to Tifa's cospaly and in the past she has proposed several. This specific version offers the protagonist of Final Fantasy 7 Remake in a slightly different way, that is while she wears a costume that resembles the original one, but which is made of different materials. This Tifa, having to say it in one word, is more "shiny".
If you are a fan of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Tifa, then you must admire the cosplay of Tifa by likeassassin is nostalgic. Also, you shouldn't miss the Tifa cosplay from alco.loli is not afraid of anything. How not to mention the cosplay of Tifa by missbricosplay is seductive. We close with the cosplay of Tifa signed irine_meier is incredible.
Changing genre, we propose the cosplay of Joel from alfakote is also praised by Naughty Dog. You can also see missbricosplay's Black Widow cosplay celebrating the movie. Lisa's cosplay from anastasia.komori is also simple but lacks nothing. Finally, japp_leack's Zelda Gerudo cosplay is very summery.
What do you think of the cosplay of Tifa made by shirogane_sama? Has the protagonist of Final Fantasy 7 Remake been faithfully recreated, or do you think you've seen higher quality versions?
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7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Final Fantasy 1 Through 3
Final Fantasy is one of the most important RPG franchises in gaming history. From the NES to the PlayStation 4, it has captured our imaginations with its tales of airships, chocobos, and moogles. And though we’re always looking ahead to new installments, like Final Fantasy XVI and whatever the future holds for Final Fantasy VII Remake, Square Enix is releasing Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters to celebrate the franchise’s past — a new series of remasters that will add widescreen support and other improvements to the six original adventures.
Final Fantasy 1, 2 and 3 will be the first three games released in this series, and whether they’re the first time you’re experiencing them, or you’re a longtime fan looking to revisit the classics, here are seven things you (probably) didn’t know about these three classic NES RPGs.
Final Fantasy’s Name MythOne of the longstanding myths around Final Fantasy’s founding is that the name stemmed from Square being on the verge of bankruptcy — meaning it would have literally been the company’s “Final” Fantasy. The reality is a little more complicated. Yes, creator Hironobu Sakaguchi was considering leaving Square and returning to school if Final Fantasy didn’t work out, but the name itself was not a meta-commentary on the company’s troubles.
During a talk at the University of Kyoto, Sakaguchi said he was mainly interested in picking a name that could be shortened to “FF.” He had initially wanted to name the game “Fighting Fantasy,” but that was already taken by a board game. Sakaguchi wound up settling on the name “Final Fantasy,” and the accompanying legend was officially born.
Have you played Final Fantasy III -- Pixel Remaster?
Still, at least some of the original myth was true. According to composer Nobuo Uematsu, Square really was in trouble at the time, and Sakaguchi really was planning on going back to school. But Final Fantasy was a major hit on the Famicom, and the rest was history.
The Final Fantasy Developer Who Inspired John RomeroOver the years, names like Hironobu Sakaguchi and Tetsuya Nomura have become synonymous with Final Fantasy. But one name that’s rarely mentioned is Nasir Gebelli — a developer responsible for programming the first three Final Fantasy games released on the Famicom.
Gebelli was a leading PC developer when he moved to Japan to work on the Famicom in 1986, and he soon found himself working on the original Final Fantasy. Gebelli knew nothing about RPGs, but gamely wrote code with Sakaguchi’s guidance. He would later say of Final Fantasy’s creator, “I worked with Sakaguchi on pretty much everything except Secret of Mana, and he understood me. He knew me better than anybody else, so we worked pretty well together. He knew what I wanted and what I needed.”
Indeed, Gebelli was a crucial enough part of the team that when visa issues forced to return to Sacramento during the making of Final Fantasy II and III, the rest of the development team followed him to California. Gebelli would stay with Square through the development of Secret of Mana, where he would help develop elements such as the famous ring system. Years later, Doom developer John Romero — who grew up admiring Gebelli’s work on games such as Horizon V — would interview Gebelli, tweeting afterward, “I just completed a [three-hour] video interview with Nasir Gebelli. I can die now.”
The Origin Of the PreludeWhen booting up the original Final Fantasy on the NES, players are greeted by the famous “Prelude,” also known as the “Crystal Theme.” It’s a simple but beautiful tune consisting of a series of arpeggiated chords that move up and down in what is known as the ‘50s progression (simply because it was so common in pop music of that era). Its simplicity belies the emotion in the notes, setting the tone for the game — and the series — to come.
That it has since become one of the most famous tunes in gaming history is made all the more remarkable by the fact that it was reportedly composed in less than 10 minutes. In the liner notes of the Final Fantasy 10 OST, composer Nobuo Uematsu remembered receiving an urgent last-minute request for music from Hironobu Sakagchi, to which he responded by hastily creating The Prelude.
“Actually it’s quite embarrassing as I never expected that tune to span over 10 sequels,” Uematsu said later.
Prelude would go on to become Final Fantasy’s main theme, and continues to be used to this day.
Final Fantasy’s D&D ConnectionLike most RPGs, Final Fantasy has strong roots in the concepts introduced in Dungeons & Dragons — a genre bedrock that helped define western and eastern RPGs alike. Designer Akitoshi Kawazu went so far as to basically lift concepts from D&D for Final Fantasy’s own battle system.
“We were all big fans of Wizardry and Ultima back then,” Kawazu said in a 2012 interview. “Even though Dragon Quest had come out, in our minds, there still wasn't anything quite comparable to Ultima or Wizardry. That's the kind of game that Sakaguchi and Hiromichi Tanaka and I were interested in. As far as my role in the game went, I was mainly in charge of the battle system and battle sequences. For that, I tried to make it as close to Dungeons & Dragons as possible. That was my goal.”
That influence extended to the bestiary, which was nearly a one-to-one copy of D&D’s own menagerie. Several of the monsters unique to D&D’s Monster Manual — such as the Mindflayer and the Black Pudding — found their way into Final Fantasy with only minor alterations. Even Bahamut, a long-standing series fixture first introduced in the original Final Fantasy, is closer to how he appears in D&D than in mythology, where he’s a giant whale. Final Fantasy would eventually develop its own personality, but in the early going at least, it was a pretty direct copy of the famous tabletop game.
Final Fantasy 2's Secret English TranslationFinal Fantasy was released in North America in 1990, where it found success with English-speaking fans playing on the NES. Coming so late in the NES’ life-cycle, Square opted to jump to the Super Nintendo for the sequels, releasing Final Fantasy 4 as a direct follow-up. The true Final Fantasy 2 wouldn’t be released in North America until many years later.
Still, development progressed far enough that there was a rough draft of Final Fantasy 2’s script in English. Squaresoft even went so far as to cut out certain religious symbols, such as the Star of David, in order to satisfy Nintendo’s strict standards at the time. But while playable from start to finish, the English is rough at best, with lines such as, “We are all in here because of that old man's Xtal Rod!”
These days, Final Fantasy 2 is mostly seen as a curiosity among English-speaking Final Fantasy fans, most of whom only know it for its peculiar leveling system. But it remains an enduring part of Final Fantasy lore, and its delayed journey to North America is one reason why.
Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Series Screenshots
As for Final Fantasy 3, it was an even bigger mystery than its predecessor among English-speaking fans. Popular in Japan, it was mostly known in North America for introducing the famous Job System, to the extent that it was remembered at all. Where Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy 2 received multiple re-releases, Final Fantasy 3 was the only game in the series to not see a North American release for more than a decade.
One reason was that it was simply too big. Like Trials of a Mana — another ambitious Square RPG — Final Fantasy 3 filled every last bit of available memory. 'When we developed FF3, the volume of content in the game was so huge that the cartridge was completely full,' Hiromichi Tanaka told Eurogamer in 2007, 'and when new platforms emerged, there simply wasn't enough storage space available for an update of FF3, because that would have required new graphics, music and other content. There was also difficulty with how much manpower it would take to remake all of that content.'
It wasn’t until 2006 that Square finally remade Final Fantasy 3 for the Nintendo DS, dramatically expanding the original story while adding in numerous quality-of-life features. It was by most measures an improvement, but plenty of longtime fans still yearned to play the original 8-bit version in English. Thankfully, that will soon be possible thanks to the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters, which will mark the first ever release of the Famicom version of the game in English.
The Many Versions Of Final FantasyWhile its sequels have struggled to find their way west, the original Final Fantasy has been re-issued more than a dozen times across almost every conceivable platform. These re-releases have included improved visuals, bug fixes, remixed soundtracks, and even updated battle mechanics.
The most radically different of them is Final Fantasy 1 & 2: Dawn of Souls on the GBA, which featured reduced difficulty and major changes to items and magic. Among its biggest updates were the introduction of magic points, which were absent in the original release. Plenty of newcomers enjoyed the changes, which made the series more accessible than before, but veterans bemoaned the lack of adjustable difficulty.
Purists will be happy to know that the version in Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster will be far closer to the original, but it too will have its share of differences, including adjustments to the gameplay balance. Time will tell whether it indeed proves to be the elusive “definitive version,” but one thing is for certain: fans will have plenty of opinions about it.
For more on Final Fantasy, be sure to check out some facts about Final Fantasy VII you probably didn’t know. The first three games in the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters series are out today.
Kat Bailey is a Senior News Editor at IGN.