Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War: New update is here & small teaser for Season 5

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players have access to a new update: Treyarch has released a new patch for download. On their website, the developers name the patch notes - and thus information on the individual changes and innovations. For example, you can look forward to a new Gunfight tournament, where you will collect additional rewards. You will also find Collateral Combined Arms 24/7 in this week's playlist - designed for 12v12 matches. 3v3 Gunfight Snipers Only, 12v12 Moshpit, and Face Off 6v6 remain active for the current week. In addition, the developers have added Sat-Link to the Multi-Team Moshpit playlist.For the zombies mode, the new Black Ops Cold War update has some bug fixes and optimizations ready. In the main quest in the Wall of the Dead it should no longer happen that a quest item does not drop when Megaton is switched off by the ghost train. In addition, there are optimizations for Klaus and opponents. Below this message you can find out which playlists you can currently let off steam in zombies and in multiplayer mode. It should be worthwhile to start the first person shooter from 7 p.m. tonight: A double XP weekend in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is running until August 2 (buy now € 64.99 / 53 € 99).
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War: New update for download, with changes on PS5
Treyarch gives a new update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold Was free to download. In the article we go into the patch notes. PC PS4 XBO 0Call of Duty Vanguard (2021): When will the new shooter episode be announced?
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Treyarch rolled out a new update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War for the weekend. Find out what the patch changes. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1376874,1376290,1376126,1376123'; You will be on the road in Season 4 until mid-August, after which new content will go live with the start of Season 5. The developers have already published a small teaser with the patch notes: The Season 4 Outro Cinematic indicates that some things are heating up in Cold War and Warzone. It is believed that this year's Call of Duty part will be announced during the next season. Black Ops Cold War was featured in a live event in Warzone last year.Multiplayer Playlist
Gunfight Tournament (New) Collateral Combined Arms 24/7 NukeJacked 24/7 3v3 Gunfight Snipers Only Face Off 6v6 12v12 Moshpit Cranked Moshpit Party Games Multi-TeamZombies Playlist
Wall of the Dead Outbreak Firebase Z The Machine Dead Ops Arcade: First Person Dead Ops Arcade Onslaught (PlayStation) Onslaught Accelerated (PlayStation) Onslaught Containment (PlayStation) Onslaught Rush (PlayStation) Recommended editorial content Here you can find external content from [PLATFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration.Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 5 Teaser Trailer Is Here
Today's Call of Duty’s trailer vaguely teases more of what's to come when Season 5 kicks off for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. Treyarch tweeted out a new trailer that could hint to a new map location for Season 5, which should be arriving around August 12.
The teaser clip is narrated by the operator Wraith, who is on a phone call with someone. It's possible she's talking to Stitch or someone working to implement the next stage of his plan. She mentions that 'the Verdansk tests are looking good' after the satellites were destroyed. This follows the earlier events of Season 4 which saw the destruction of satellites that crash landed all around Verdansk, and critical data that was stolen from Yamantau.
All season we've waited to see what Stitch's plans would entail now that the satellites are down, but it looks like we'll have to wait until Season 5's launch to see what he's cooking up. Speculation from the previous Season 4 teasers point to Stitch trying to restart the Numbers program, the brainwashing narrative from the first Black Ops game's storyline, as he previously mentioned he needed the satellites down so he can broadcast the numbers to activate his test subjects. There's likely a small army of sleeper agents still waiting to be activated in Verdansk.
While nothing is confirmed, this could give us some indication of an upcoming DLC map location to launch with Season 5. Wraith mentions to the caller that they better pack warm because they're going to Teufelsberg, which is a snowy forest location in Berlin Germany. During the Cold War, this location served as an American listening station in West Berlin to intercept Soviet radio communications.
A new Call of Duty season typically brings a new battle pass, more maps, modes, operators, and unlockable weapons, and this narrative could possibly tie in to some in-game reveal event for the upcoming Call of Duty 2021. We'll be updating all the details for Call of Duty's Season 5 as new information emerges.
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