Black Widow: The Budapest reveal doesn't make sense

Black Widow
What happened in Budapest Marvel fans have asked themselves this question since Joss Whedon's first "Avengers" film. When the Chitauri attacked, Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) mentioned to her colleague Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) that the events would remind them of a mission they carried out in the Hungarian capital. She states: "Just like Budapest all over again". The archer replies that her memory appears to be very different from his. We do not find out what exactly this might mean. However, it does not stop at this one mention either.Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. In "Avengers: Endgame", Barton explains with a smile to his co-pilot Natasha as he sets off on Star Lord's spaceship Benatar: "It's a long way from Budapest". So it seems they have at least a shared positive memory associated with the place.
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"Black Widow" reveals the truth about Budapest
This apparently contradicts what we learned about the mission in Budapest in "Black Widow".- Warning spoilers -
There it is revealed in a flashback that the aim of the contract was to eliminate the former Russian General Dreykov (Ray Winstone). He is considered the leading figure behind the Red Room, in which young girls are used as special agents. Natasha also came under his control as a child. During the bomb attack on his life authorized by Romanoff, his little daughter Antonia is apparently also caught in the explosion.
It makes little sense that Natasha thinks back with nostalgic feelings about the operation in which she killed a child Has. Even after the events of "Black Widow" (film review), where it is revealed that Antonia survived and was trained as a taskmaster as a mindless child soldier, Natasha is unlikely to be 100% satisfied with the consequences of her decision. As she herself relates in "Black Widow", the mission did not only consist of the assassination, but above all of observation. She and Barton hid in a subway tunnel under the city for five days. The fact that this may not fit in with the Chitauri scene, in which the heroes fight a street battle against aliens, suggests that possibly more has happened in Budapest than we have seen and heard before.
Will we see more of Black Widow in the future?
It can be at least somehow rationally explained that Natasha represses her traumatic memories in "Avengers" and therefore only alludes to the exciting parts of the mission in her comment, while Clint has a more complete picture of what happened. The saying in "Endgame", however, could be explained by the fact that the smile of the two heroes is more about saying goodbye to the past. The "long way from Budapest" therefore refers to the dark part of the common history, from which one has now completely moved away. At this point, Clint and Natasha are at least the saviors of mankind and no longer cold-blooded assassins.There is also the possibility that we will return to Budapest again in the future. We may be shown his view of events in the upcoming Hawkeye series, and thus a more complete picture of them. His relationship with Natasha will definitely be central to the series. As we learn in the "Black Widow" credits scene, her sister Yelena (Florence Pugh) is going to hunt Clint because she thinks he caused Natasha's death. In the planned six to eight episodes, the two will certainly find time to correct this story and exchange a few anecdotes.
Black Widow is currently showing in German cinemas and as an expensive premium film on Disney +.
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