A referendum will be held in Hungary on the law against the LGBT + community

The law was subject to a resolution condemning by the European Parliament and due to the opening of an infringement procedure against Hungary, because it is discriminatory and contrary to human rights
(photo: Sven Hoppe / dpa) A referendum will be held in Hungary on the recent law against the LGBTQ + community, with which the Hungarian extreme extreme government has banned any discussion of homosexuality in the presence of minors, in any public and social context. Since it entered into force it has been the subject of a resolution condemning by the European Parliament and due to the initiation of an infringement procedure against Hungary by the European Commission. Thus, following these pressures, Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced the public consultation, describing it as a referendum "on the protection of children" and continuing to confuse homosexuality and pedophilia.The new Hungarian law has entered into force last June 15 and, like the prime minister, seems to be confusing homosexuality and pedophilia. The new rules were partly modeled on a Russian law that banned so-called "gay propaganda" among minors. However, the Hungarian law goes further, making it a crime to "promote or portray" homosexuality or gender change to minors, including in advertisements or on television, by limiting sex education in schools to government-approved organizations and preventing organizations lgbtq + to carry out information activities in public.
“Lgbtq activists visit kindergartens and schools and conduct sex education classes. They want to do it here in Hungary too, ”Orbán said in a video statement on Facebook published on Wednesday 21 July. The prime minister then accused Brussels of abusing its powers to challenge Hungarian education and child protection laws. "The future of our children is at stake, so we cannot give up on this issue," he added.
The referendum
The referendum, the date of which has not yet been revealed, it will consist of five questions, which do not seem exactly formulated with the intention of being clear and not misleading to voters. The questions ask: “Are you in favor of carrying out sexual orientation activities for minors in schools, without parental consent? Are you in favor of promoting sex change therapies for minors? Are you in favor of sex change therapies for minors? Are you in favor of the dissemination, without restrictions, of media content of a sexual nature to minors, which could influence its development? Are you in favor of the dissemination, without restrictions, of media content that portrays the change of gender to minors? ".Orbán, who asked the citizens to vote no in the referendum, will face the elections next spring, against an opposition coalition that could tear him from his 10 uninterrupted years of government. His anti-LGBT rhetoric appears to be part of a political strategy aimed at finding a new common enemy on which to consolidate the electorate in support of the national-conservative and Christian-inspired ruling party Fidesz after years of electoral campaign against refugees. and migrants. In fact, in 2016 Orban had called a similar referendum on migrants, asking the population whether or not they agreed to welcome refugees, as required by European treaties. Less than 50% of the electorate took part in that referendum, but the possibility of accepting migrant quotas was rejected by 98% of the ballots. However, Hungary's refusal to participate in the relocation scheme was found to be contrary to the legal obligations enshrined in EU law by the European Court of Justice.
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