A company has announced that it intends to introduce the green pass requirement for its workers from September

The Mantuan dairy company Sterilgarda announces changes of duties and suspensions for those who will be without the green certificate in September. No-vax and no-green pass has been unleashed against
The European green pass The green pass decree has defined the obligation of a green certificate from 6 August for all types of events open to the public and to consume indoors sitting at table in bars and restaurants but there is still no information about transport, school and work. Precisely on this last point, the controversy has already flared up in civil society and online. And it has overwhelmed the Mantua Sterilgarda, the fourth Italian company in the production of milk, targeted by a wave of protest on social media by "no vax" and "no green pass", which promise boycott actions.The reason concerns a letter sent by the company to its 350 employees on Monday, in which the CEO Fernando Sarzi explains that from September the workers without a green pass due to lack of vaccine will have been assigned to different tasks "such as to exclude the risk of contagion" For others. If this is not possible, "the worker will not be admitted to the company with suspension of pay, until the resumption of work". The text then refers to a subsequent regulation with the unitary trade union representation "in any case already informed".
The leaked letter sparked complaints from no-vax and no green pass groups, forcing the company to express itself with a "clarification statement". Sterilgarda explained that he wanted to "only safeguard the health and the workplace of its employees, with the commitment to open a discussion table with trade unions and the occupational doctor, without any imposition or threat" of dismissal. He then reiterated that "the right to health of employees and their families must be safeguarded as well as everyone's right to work". All this, while awaiting a solution agreed between the government and the social partners. In the first letter, however, the same company refers to already existing rules relating to the obligations deriving from the civil code and the consolidated text for safety at work (article 20), to protect the company from biological risks.
This is a point on which politics will also have to think. For now, the vaccine requirement is only available to workers in the health sector and it is being discussed whether to extend it to schools as well, since September. It was Confindustria that urged the introduction into the private sector, which has been dropped for now but which could start a phase of consultation with the various categories. Meanwhile, the judiciary has spoken before the legislator. According to the Modena court, an employer can suspend employees who do not want to be vaccinated against the coronavirus from service and salary. The case concerned two employees of a service cooperative in a residence for the elderly and dates back to the period prior to the introduction of the vaccination obligation for health personnel. The judge also recalled that the European Union has included Covid-19 among the biological agents against which it is necessary to protect the workplace.
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