The best furry characters in video games

The difficulty lies not only in creating the three-dimensional effect, but above all in applying physics and lighting to it, considering that every single element is next to hundreds of its clones. Let's find out which video games have the best characters with the furry effect applied!
5 - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Perhaps the side view of a platformer does not help to understand certain details well of the characters, but looking closely at the cutscenes and how Donkey Kong was animated, you immediately realize that his hair is really realistic. Until the last generations the "furry" effect was given by drawn textures, but in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze released on Nintendo Switch and before that on Wii U, every single tuft of our favorite gorilla is independent and reacts to the movements of the character , creating a compelling animation that is particularly suited to such an animal. Some do not consider Nintendo to be at the forefront of the best graphics technologies, but this is a huge mistake. It's the details that make the difference, as in this case.4 - Tekken 7
Bandai Namco's Tekken 7 is one of the most successful chapters of the series: released 6 years ago, it is continuing to sell and be played en masse. Inside the fighting game, full of selectable characters, there are two decidedly super furry ones. We are obviously talking about the legendary Panda and the Kuma bear. Both are made using fur shading applied to the entire surface of the body. Not very visible in the combat sessions, it is much better noticeable in the cutscenes where it appears in all its technical splendor.3 - Kinectimals
Once again on Xbox 360 there was a crazy "furry" title. The fur shading applied to the Kinectimals protagonists was not only beautiful and compelling, it was directly part of its gameplay. The title of Xbox Game Studios was a sort of feline version of Nintendogs with cubs of pumas, tigers, lions and panthers all to be cuddled and caressed using the potential of the Kinect camera.With a virtual hand it was possible to "smooth the hair" of the funny animals on the screen with a super convincing and realistic effect. It was also incredible that, with the same technique, even the in-game lawn grass was animated and made in the same exceptional way.
2- Viva Pinata
Several years have passed since release of that little gem that was called Viva Pinata on Xbox 360. Created by RARE, Viva Pinata was a title based on gardening and the breeding of cute creatures, mix between animals and Mexican piñatas. As you probably know, the pots dedicated to the "pentolaccia" game are made up of many colored paper threads. In this case the Xbox 360 graphics processor was able to process every single element that constituted the paper "hair" of all the animals. A fairly heavy technological effort, even considering the fact that 15 years have passed since its release (so something more thinking about the programming of the title).1 - Star Fox Adventures
Durante the same technological era of Xbox 360, on the console competing Nintendo GameCube was released one of the most hairy titles of all time: Star Fox Adventures. The protagonist Fox McCloud was masterfully made from all points of view, especially looking at the technical realization of his mantle that almost touched himself through the screen.Compared to the Dinosaur Planet project for Nintendo 64, which then turned into Star Fox Adventures, one of the most obvious differences (in addition to the increased definition and doubled frame rate) was precisely the insertion of the effect fur shading on the main character. The title came out in 2002 and left everyone amazed by its gameplay (very similar to Zelda: Ocarina of Time) and precisely the technical realization full of goodies.
Special mention: Felicia of Darkstalkers
It does not fall into our top5 because it cannot be classified as fur shading and polygonal modeling of the "furry" effect, but the one created by Capcom in Darkstalkers for the character of Felicia is one of the most beautiful animations seen in 2D video games. Released for the first time as a coin op in the distant 1994, it represents one of the longest-running and successful fighting series of the historic Japanese software house. Felicia has hairy legs, an extraordinarily animated tail and very thick hair that make her one of the most "furry" characters ever, even in 2D.Have you noticed any errors?