Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Yasuho cosplay from gardani_angelica

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Yasuho is one of the most beloved characters of the latest Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series. The cosplay of gardani_angelica, made in the beautiful streets of Lucca, absolutely honors this stylish heroine.Yasuho is a seemingly ordinary student who finds Josuke Higashikata on the Morioh coast. The two immediately become allies and indeed Josuke will soon show interest in Yasuho. Her Stand is called Paisley Park and is used to investigate the mysteries of the city.
In her cosplay gardani_angelica faithfully replicates the girl's dress and colors, even trying to imitate the plastic poses that Hirohiko Araki usually gives to all its characters. The result is excellent and she is able to bring the cute heroine to life.
In case you are looking for other cosplay, we recommend the 2B Nier Automata cosplay made by alco.loli.
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