Hades: The masterpiece will also be available on PS4, PS5 and Xbox from August

Hardly any other game was showered with awards like Hades last year: The action rogue lite from Supergiant Games (Bastion, Transistor) has a metascore of 93, on Steam the game received 98 percent positive user ratings. So far, the masterpiece has only been available for PC (Steam and Epic Store) and Nintendo Switch, but that will soon change: On August 13, 2021, Hades will also be available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S / X.Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. The developers have already published the first details on the implementation. The game will run on PS4 and Xbox One in 1080p at 60 frames per second. On PS5 and Xbox Series S / X, Hades should also achieve a frame rate of 60, of course at 4K resolution. In terms of content, the implementations are identical to the PC and Switch versions, with one difference: There will be no cross-save function on the Sony and Microsoft consoles that can be used to transfer a saved game.
You can pre-order the digital versions in the Playstation Store and Microsoft Store for around 25 euros. At release, Hades (buy now) will also be included directly in Xbox Game Pass. In addition, the Playstation and Xbox versions will also go on sale as classic boxed versions. These editions are published by Private Division and, in addition to the game, also include the soundtrack and a 32-page art book. You can pre-order your copy here. The Xbox versions are all on one disc, while the PS4 and PS5 versions are sold separately. Nice: The PS4 version - whether digital or physical - also includes a free upgrade to the PS5 version.
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Is Hades really as good as his reputation?
Absolutely! The popular rogue-lite also performed excellently in our est. Hades tells the story of Zagreus, a rebellious son of the gods who wants to fight his way up from the depths of the Greek underworld to freedom. Since Zagreus is immortal, he returns to the Temple of Hades after each failure, where he conducts humorous dialogues with sympathetic characters, unlocks permanent upgrades and throws himself strengthened into the next attempt. On the way, Zagreus collects various gods who make every run a little different - you can also forgive the constantly recurring bosses and the somewhat monotonous level design.Tip: These 12 rogue likes and rogue lites are your money really worth it!
Hades easily overshadows every other game from Supergiant Games (Bastion, Transistor, Pyre): The indie hit delivers a motivating action experience with great playability, an unmistakable style, tons of dialogues and strong characters excellent entertainment for many hours. With its freely adjustable level of difficulty, Hades is also ideal for beginners, while rogue-lite professionals also get their money's worth.
Source: Supergiant Games
US Army awards enhanced HADES airborne ISR contract
16 June 2021
by Gareth Jennings
The US Army has contracted L3 and Raytheon to demonstrate, develop, build, and integrate prototype electronic intelligence (ELINT) and communications intelligence (COMINT) sensors onto an enhanced version of the High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES) intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) Multi-Domain Sensing System (MDSS).

With the HADES mission system hosted on the Challenger 650-based ARTEMIS aircraft, the US Army is understood to be examining a number of potential manned and unmanned aircraft to host an enhanced version of HADES. (Bombardier)
The US Army Project Director for Sensors – Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI) announced on 15 June that the Phase 1 contract was awarded through the Consortium for Command, Control, and Communications in Cyberspace (C5) to L3 Communications Integrated Systems and Raytheon Applied Signal Technology three days prior. The Phase 1 award will run for eight months, and is valued at USD4.37 million.
“The [US] Army is pursuing HADES to address the demands of future Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) against peer and near-peer adversaries,” Dennis Teefy, project director, PD SAI, said. “HADES will be globally deployable and provide a multifaceted sensing capability at higher altitudes and longer ranges, and with longer endurance than is currently available from the [US] Army's RC-12 Guardrail, MC-12 Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS), and EO-6C Airborne Reconnaissance Low (ARL) aircraft. The goal is to provide deep sensing intelligence collection of indicators and warnings, electronic order of battle, and patterns of life for target development. This will allow stand-off operations to detect, locate, identify, and track critical targets for the ground commander.”
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https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/us-army-awards-enhanced-hades-airborne-isr-contractThe US Army has contracted L3 and Raytheon to demonstrate, develop, build, and integrate prototype e...