Genshin Impact: mochiiimarie's Amber cosplay is high quality

Genshin Impact
One of the great strengths of Genshin Impact, miHoYo's free to play, is the large number of characters. It is not the players who want to get the best ones to use in combat, but they always hope to find their own favorites. One of the most beloved is Amber, one of the initial characters. Now, mochiiimarie offers us her own cosplay of Amber.Amber, as it is easy to guess from the appearance and also from the name (which resembles ember, ember), is a character that uses the element of fire at the interior of Genshin Impact. She is a cheerful-looking character and has certainly been exploited by all players in the early stages of the adventure.
If you are a fan of Genshin Impact, then you should not miss Nyukix's Mona cosplay too: she it's perfect. How to miss the mizuvzcos Lisa cosplay. Moreover, the cosplay of Lisa from Himeahri is also of high quality. We also suggest the cosplay of Lisa from Pepper: it is perfectly made.
Changing genre, we suggest you the cosplay of Ellie signed by likeassassin: it seems to have come out of the game. Bukkitbrown's Himiko Toga cosplay is also perfect. How not to mention the cosplay of Tifa by alco.loli: she is not afraid of anything. Finally, miss_autumn's Triss cosplay is magical.
Tell us, what do you think of the Amber cosplay made by mochiiimarie? Was the character of Genshin Impact created in the best way, or have you seen higher quality versions?
Have you noticed any errors?
Genshin Impact Kazuha Build: The Best Builds, Artifacts And Swords
Genshin Impact
miHoYoGenshin Impact has finally released another new 5 star hero, this time Kaedehara Kazuha, an anemo-based sword fighter hailing from Inazuma. He’s out already in the East and will soon be arriving in the West once the card changes over, and as such, it’s time to figure out how to build him, if you get lucky enough to pull him.
It’s been a little while since we had to think about either swords or Anemo builds, given the last major Anemo hero was Xiao, quite a while ago. The last major sword hero? I’m not sure I even remember. Albedo, I believe.
So, here are the best builds you want to go for if you pull Kazuha.
Genshin Impact
Viridescent Venerer (Valley of Remembrance Domain) – 2 piece: Anemo DMG Bonus +15%, 4 piece: Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent's Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.
Or, you can do two pieces of Viridescent Venerer, and then do two pieces of either Wanderer’s Troupe 2 piece (Increases Elemental Mastery by 80) or Noblesse Oblige 2 piece (Elemental Burst DMG +20%). You could also do two pieces of Gladiator’s Finale for more ATK. But given Kazuha’s reliance on Swirl, I would definitely say that the full four piece of Virdescent is probably the way to go overall.
Genshin Impact
Freedom-Sworn (5 star)- A part of the 'Millennial Movement' that wanders amidst the winds. Increases DMG by 10%. When the character wielding this weapon triggers Elemental Reactions, they gain a Sigil of Rebellion. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s and can be triggered even if said character is not on the field.
When you possess 2 Sigils of Rebellion, all of them will be consumed and all nearby party members will obtain 'Millennial Movement: Song of Resistance' for 12s. 'Millennial Movement: Song of Resistance' increases Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG by 16% and increases ATK by 20%. Once this effect is triggered, you will not gain Sigils of Rebellion for 20s.
Of the many effects of the 'Millennial Movement,' buffs of the same type will not stack.
Boy, swords are getting complicated huh. Anyway, this is the obvious pick, since it’s Kazuha’s sword that was designed specifically for him. But others you can use instead would be:
Skyward Blade (5 star): Crit Rate increased by 4%. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 20% of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.
Iron Sting (4 star) - Dealing Elemental DMG increases all DMG by 6% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Can only occur once every 1s.
Festering Desire (4 star): Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 16% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 6%.
One way or another, you’re trying to build Kazuha for DPS. Top pics are going full anemo with Viridescent and getting his personal sword. But if you can’t, there are alternatives, and he’s still going to be useful and powerful in many ways.
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