Fallout 4: River, interpreter of Dogmeat, is dead, the moving message from the Studio Director

Fallout 4
Joel Burgess announces on Twitter that River, a German shepherd who played Dogmeat in Fallout 4, is dead. The Studio Director tells us River's story in a touching sequence of messages on Twitter. Here's everything he told us.Burgess explains that the goal of the Fallout 4 team was to make Dogmeat a character and not a weapon. The team first wanted him to be a companion and only then an ally for battles. River wasn't originally supposed to be the character's interpreter, as the team had been researching "professional dogs" trained for film or to assist the police.
A new member of the Fallout 4 Dogmeat team was researching German Shepherds though, and River was quickly picked. The dog attended the development team meetings, not only to record game scenes or to be studied, but also to socialize. River was with the team and the more time she spent, the more she was seen as a character, a friend, and her personality was recreated in the game. For example, Burgess and a colleague realized that when they took her for a walk, River tended to run forward, then stop and turn around to make sure the two developers were still with her - this behavior was then replicated in the game. . The Fallout 4 carry mechanic has also been included because River used to bring prizes to their masters (often large random items, like a large branch). River has also won awards for their performance. Burgess described River as a patient and kind dog, which made it easy to work with her for modeling and animation. For the audio, Burgess hid in a nearby room so that he was not visible but could still be sniffed at by River who at some point started barking to call Burgess.
Even the fact that Dogmeat takes care, in Fallout 4, first of all blocking enemies and protecting yourself from attacks is linked to the fact that River was always ready to help and defend their masters.
Here is a behind the scenes video dedicated to the faithful Dogmeat of Fallout 4.
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(W) Brian Michael Bendis, More (A) Sara Pichelli, More (CA) Mark Bagley
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