The path of the Zan bill in the Senate is still uphill

Reduced the number of hearings, but now negotiations are opening on some changes to the text, also by some members of the Democratic Party. Lgbt + associations fear a bearish deal
(photo: Getty Images) The road to the Zan bill is still uphill. And this although in the Senate the hearings allowed for the discussion of the text for the fight against homolesbobitransphobia, misogyny and abilities have been reduced to 70, compared to the 170 initially admitted by the chairman of the Justice commission, Andrea Ostellari, in the Lega quota. Who asks that a discussion table be opened on the text with other political forces.The aim of the proposal, which takes its name from the first signatory, the deputy of the Democratic Party Alessandro Zan, is to extend the scope of existing hate crime legislation to attacks and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, gender and gender identity against the lgbt + community, women and people with disabilities.
However, since its approval in the Chamber last November, the Zan bill suffered continuous obstruction by the Lega and Fratelli d'Italia. Work in the Senate Justice Committee only began on 25 May and following an extraordinary vote on the text, which took place in the committee on 28 April, after Ostellari postponed the scheduling.
Not even the beginning of the works has stopped the attempt to slow down the vote. On the one hand, there is the long list of hearings, that is, consultations with experts, admitted by Ostellari: 170. These include those to religious leaders or associations clearly contrary to the rights of the LGBT + community. Ostellari was forced to sell and reduce those in attendance to 70, while maintaining another 70 in the form of a written report. To push him to prune the hearings a letter sent by the group leaders in the Senate of the Democratic Party, Movimento 5 stelle, Liberi e equuali and Movimento per le autonomie to the president of Palazzo Madama, Elisabetta Casellati. "The President of the Commission - reads the appeal reported by Repubblica - has adopted clearly obstructive behavior in open violation of his role and his functions of guarantee, preventing the functioning of the Commission and the beginning of the examination of the provision for 4 months ”.
The appeal was signed by all the political forces that had led to the approval of the Zan bill in the Chamber during the Conte 2 government, except for Italia Viva. The signature of Davide Faraone is missing, leader of the Senate group of Matteo Renzi's party, who in recent weeks has sought mediation with the right by proposing some changes.
Italia Viva is not the only one to have left some room for opening to the comparison on the text (already approved in the Chamber). Also from the Democratic Party, the senators Valeria Valente and Valeria Fedeli and the senators Mino Taricco, Stefano Collina and Andrea Marcucci have repeatedly said in favor of some changes, especially on the issue of gender identity. He told the Catholic daily Avvenire Marcucci that he was ready to negotiate with the right-wing parties for some "surgical improvements". A news that has alarmed supporters of the Zan bill, who fear a downward agreement. Also, in case of changes, the bill should be voted again in the House.
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