The effects of vaccinations against Covid-19 are also beginning to be seen in Italy

The Higher Institute of Health observed a reduction in cases among health workers and in the most advanced age groups, with a decrease in mortality among the over 80s. It is still to be confirmed, but it seems that vaccines are working
(photo: Facebook Region of Lombardy) The data on the Covid-19 epidemic collected in the latest report published by the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) seem to confirm what has happened in other countries where vaccination campaigns are in the most advanced phase: among the categories protected by vaccines, reported cases, hospitalizations and admissions to intensive care are decreasing.To be fair it is necessary to say that the data, in particular those of the latest updates, must be validated by ad hoc studies, which will confirm the possible causal relationship between vaccines and the downward trend of the curve and the weight of the other containment measures implemented by Italy ia.
Healthcare workers
Healthcare workers have been one of the priorities of the Italian vaccination strategy, as they are more exposed to the risk of contagion and essential to avoid the collapse of the health system. And in fact, if last November the percentage of Covid-19 cases in this category represented 5% of the total, since mid-January 2021 the trend is decreasing.(Source: Iss) Trend consistent with the expected protection from vaccines after two weeks (first doses started on 27 December). As of April 28, nearly 19 million first and second doses had been administered: 94.3% of healthcare workers received at least one dose of the vaccine, 79.4% also the booster.
One proof is the comparison between epidemic curves of symptomatic cases between health workers and non-health workers: from mid-January, in fact, the trends began to diverge, as shown by the ISS graph (the line black dotted is V-Day, the first day of the vaccination campaign in Europe).
(Source: Iss)
Elderly groups
Similar considerations can be made for the elderly population, in particular for residents of the RSA and for the over 80s. As of April 28, approximately 85% of the over 80 population had received at least one dose of the vaccine and more than 60% had completed the vaccination cycle. The ISS graph highlights how the number of cases among the over 80s was higher than in the age groups 70-79 and 60-69 but that in the weeks following the V-day a trend reversal began that led the incidence in the over 80s to be lower than the data in the other two groups.(Source: Iss) The rate of hospitalization and that of admission to intensive care for the same age groups are equally indicative : "Although the rate is still higher in the most vaccinated category (> = 80), the decrease is more pronounced in this group in recent weeks, reducing the differences between the three groups".
(Source: Iss ) (Source: Iss) "As far as mortality rates are concerned, it is still early to see the effect of the vaccination campaign due to the time elapsing between the moment of infection and death and the time required for data consolidation ”, Specifies the report of the Iss.
“ However, the average age ana at death is decreasing and has reached its lowest levels since March 2020 (79 years). These results, together with the trend in the incidence and hospitalizations described above, suggest that in the coming weeks we will see a more pronounced decline in the target age groups of vaccination ".
(Source: Iss)
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