Sonic the Hedgehog: Rumors of the new Sonic title

Sonic the Hedgehog
We all love leaks, right? In addition to Sonic Colors: Ultimate, Sega announced an entirely new game from the Sonic universe during their last live stream. There wasn't much information to be seen in the 30-second video. So far we only know for sure that Sonic can definitely run and that the new title should appear sometime in 2022.If you believe the people who anonymously indicate on the Internet that they played a very early version of the title would like to give, then the new offshoot of the Sonic series could be an open world game with the well-known "Ubisoft towers". The new title should also include an experience system with its own talent tree, with which players can unlock new skills. Spread over the open world there should be some puzzles to be solved that reward the player with orbs, through which one can travel into "cyberspace".
The rumors seem of course very adventurous and are by and large not very believable. However, one user stated in July 2020 that the new title will be called Sonic Rangers. Sega used this title in a press release on its live stream, but later told Eurogamer that the release was an older version that was accidentally released. However, it is always interesting to imagine what an open-world Sonic game could look like.
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‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary And Has A New Game On The Way
The upcoming and entirely mysterious 'Sonic the Hedgehog' game.
SegaWith the original Sonic the Hedgehog released back in 1991, this year marks the blue hedgehog’s 30th birthday. Naturally, Sega is celebrating this with some new games.
Considering that Sonic is a beloved gaming character the world over, Sega hosted its first Sonic Central event online (shown below). Covering the 30th anniversary of the series, as well as new releases.
The first of these is a remaster of Sonic Colors, called Sonic Colors Ultimate. Originally released on the Nintendo DS and Wii back in 2010, this remaster will have enhanced visuals and an improved frame rate. It will also have new features including the “Jade Ghost” Wisp power up from Team Sonic Racing, a Rival Rush mode in which players compete in races against Metal Sonic and cosmetic options based on the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog film.
Sonic Colors Ultimate will be released on September 10 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC.
The big new reveal though is what looks to be an all-new game, that is likely called Sonic Rangers.
With nothing much to go on in terms of gameplay, we only get to see Sonic rushing through a forest, with weirdly banana shaped feet, and marking out a new cryptic logo.
Set for release in 2022, the game will be coming to PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch and PC. It’s also very likely that we will get more information on the game during this year’s online E3.
Anyway, to finish up, I thought it would be nice to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Sonic the Hedgehog series with Sega’s “Unstoppable” trailer (shown below), although it does make me feel unbearably old.
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