Say goodbye to personal data tracking? The future looks bright for users

With the introduction of iOS 14.5 it is also finally possible to prevent apps from tracking your personal data. Is the end of this kind of information gathering come to an end?
Apple has recently decided to make some very important changes to safeguard user privacy and allow each of the users of their devices to know exactly the type of information personal data that the various apps are able to collect.
The so-called privacy labels were introduced only a few months ago and many of the largest companies on the web that owe their fortune to the collection of this information have to immediately demonstrated his opposition to the initiative. One above all is Facebook, recently engaged in a battle on several fronts including the one against the rival messaging app Signal precisely regarding the privacy of users.
Some of the announcements of the frightening Signal advertising campaign on Instagram Google, the historical rival of the Cupertino company for the control of the mobile market, seemed to hesitate a lot, with some of their iOS applications that have not received updates for months, it is said precisely because of the privacy labels.
The Mountain View company, however, has recently decided to take the bull by the horns by announcing that even on the Google Play Store it will soon be mandatory for developers to declare the type of personal data of users that are collected, in an operation of almost transparency. due and able not to lose consensus compared to the rival Californian company.
The arrival of the iPadOS and iOS version 14.5 update on the devices of the bitten apple has also shown another interesting scenario. Apple's mobile operating system now allows applications to be blocked from tracking data with the App Tracking Transparency function, preventing any installed app from this kind of practice unless authorized by the user.
According to the data collected by the statistics company Flurry, 96% of American users have decided not to be tracked. The numbers therefore show how only 4 out of 100 people have accepted the data collection proposed by at least one of the applications installed on their smartphone.
“App Tracking Transparency requires that apps obtain user permission before tracking their data through the app itself or websites owned by other companies for advertising, or to share their data with data brokers. Apps can ask users for permission, and in settings, users will be able to see which apps have requested permission to track so they can change their choice at any time. "
This statistic really hard to ignore will it be enough to convince Google to make a similar approach on Android 12? Difficult to say, but what is clear is that, given the possibility, users prefer to maintain their privacy and these first important changes could mark the beginning of a new era.
Which side are you on? Do you prefer to give apps access to your data in exchange for better service and more accurate advertisements or are you an advocate of absolute privacy?
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