My Hero Academia: Min_mmu's Himiko Toga cosplay is crazy but cheerful

My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia continues to be successful and the merit of many elements, among which are certainly the characters. The spectators empathize with the protagonists, the heroes who do everything to save the weakest, but are also bewitched by the villains. Among the many villains that have thrilled fans of My Hero Academia is Himiko Toga. Now, Min_mmu offers us his own cosplay of Himiko Toga.

Min_mmu has opted for a classic and all in all simple version of Himiko Toga. The My Hero Academia villain has been recreated with her classic schoolgirl costume, with red bow. Obviously there is no shortage of canines, which represent her almost vampiric nature of her. The character is also known for being insane, but at the same time strangely cheerful, like a normal teenage girl. Min_mmu has therefore managed to recreate this dual nature of Himiko Toga through the pose and the splash of fake blood, which together create a fun contrast.

The character of My Hero Academia has been repeatedly represented by cosplayers from all over the world. For example, you shouldn't miss the cosplay of Himiko Toga by lit.miracle: she hypnotizes you with her eyes. Plus, sailorscholar's Himiko Toga cosplay is perfect. The cosplay of Himiko Toga from xxerxes is also a perfect copy.

Changing the genre, we propose the cosplay of Lisa from mizuvzcos: it is perfect. You also have to admire likeassassin's Zelda cosplay: it's heavenly. Finally, we close with Shirogane's 2B cosplay: it's floral and gorgeous.

Tell us, what do you think of the Himiko Toga cosplay made by Min_mmu? In your opinion the creation of this cosplayer is effective, or have you seen more interesting versions of the cosplay of the villain of My Hero Academia?

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