Microsoft's cloud will no longer transfer data outside the European Union

The data of European organizations and public administrations that use Microsoft's cloud will be processed and stored in the European Union, the Redmond company announces presenting the Eu data boundary for Microsoft Cloud plan. "There will be no need to move data outside the EU", summarizes the ...
Microsoft Data Insight Summit (photo: Data from European organizations and public administrations that use the cloud Microsoft will be processed and stored in the European Union, the Redmond company announces presenting the Eu data boundary for Microsoft Cloud plan. "There will be no need to move data out of the EU," sums up the president of the multinational, Brad Smith. This commitment, "further" compared to the initiatives already adopted in the field of data storage, will apply to Azure cloud services, Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365. The technical activities have already begun and everything will be made possible by the end of next year. leveraging Microsoft's already operational or announced data centers distributed in thirteen European countries, including Italy, which enable cloud services.A brake on the transmission of users' personal data from European-based companies to servers in the United States was put in place by the second Schrems ruling last July, with which the European Court of Justice denied the validity of the agreement Privacy Shield between the European Commission and the United States. The issue concerns all the tech multinationals, first of all, and Microsoft itself is still on the Privacy Shield list which, the American Commerce Department specifies, "is no longer a valid mechanism to meet the EU data protection requirements in transferring personal data from the European Union to the United States. The decision (by the EU Court of Justice, ed.) Does not relieve the participants in the Privacy Shield from the obligations of the regulation ".
“Following the recommendations from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) on the measures companies should implement after the Schrems II ruling, we announced our Defending your data initiative, which goes beyond recommendations of the Edpb ”, explains Smith:“ Microsoft in fact opposes the requests coming from any government regarding the data of our customers in the public and private sectors, where there is a legal basis for doing so ”. Moreover, the president explains, "it already offers the possibility of storing data in the European Union" (also for some Azure services), through encryption and Lockbox services that will be extended to all basic cloud services.
In Dublin Microsoft prepares the opening of a Privacy engineering center of excellence, to provide data protection solutions to customers, and in a summit in the fall (Eu cloud customer summit) will help uncover more details about the newly announced cloud initiative, says the manager, "to respond to Europe's call".
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