Call of Duty Warzone: A free skin for all players

Call of Duty Warzone
One of the most interesting novelties of the last chapters of the series, especially of Call of Duty Warzone, is the possibility of obtaining skins based on the completion of certain activities. This is exactly what Raven Software and Activision have done with the release of season 3 of battle royale and Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. Adler, historical character of the Black Ops narrative, had previously been captured, becoming the protagonist of recent seasonal events.The skin we are talking about is precisely the one that should have been available for all players who would have completed three challenges, for both Call of Duty Warzone and Black Ops Cold War, in a series of activities called “Hunt for Adler”. However, despite the recent fixes, many users encountered bugs that prevented progress in these challenges, preventing them from getting the special skin as a reward.
The problems weren't just related to incorrect tracking of progress from the game, but also to tasks that required to be completed in inaccessible areas of the map. The solution would have required a simple bug fixing, but given the short timing and the imminent conclusion of the event, Raven Software has taken a much faster choice and that will undoubtedly make many players happy.
Starting right now and until the end of Season Three, anyone who logs into #Warzone will be granted the 'Tortured & Rescued' Adler Skin.
We'd like to thank everyone for participating in the Hunt for Adler limited time event and for being patient these past few days.
- Raven Software (@RavenSoftware) May 1, 2021
The software house has decided to give the Adler skin to all those who will access Call of Duty Warzone and Black Ops Cold War by the end of season 3. In the Twitter post Raven Software announces this news and he apologizes for the problems that have arisen in these hours: “We would like to thank everyone for participating in the limited-time event Caccia adler and for having been patient in recent days”. You won't have to do anything special to get this skin, as you will already find it among Adler's.
On Amazon you can buy Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, getting the Price skin in Warzone.
'Call of Duty: Warzone' and 'Black Ops Cold War' perks aim to help military veterans get civilian medical jobs
'Call of Duty: Warzone' is adding a new healing game as part of its frenetic online combat action.
Through May 9, players who revive five people while playing 'Warzone' will earn a special Call of Duty Endowment calling card (a special perk to add to your collection).
In 'Warzone' and 'Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War,' players can also purchase a limited-time Battle Doc Pack ($9.99), which includes a new operator skin, as part of a campaign to bring attention to a real-world issue: the challenges military veterans with medical skills face getting health jobs as civilians.
Proceeds from the special pack, which will only be available until $2 million is raised for the endowment, will go to helping place vets in jobs.
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'Thanks to the reach of our Call of Duty franchise, we have the ability to raise awareness about the unemployment and underemployment affecting veterans, especially medical military service members,' said Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick in a statement to USA TODAY. He co-founded the endowment in 2009 with Activision Blizzard board chairman Brian Kelly. The company has donated more than $35 million to the endowment.
The Call of Duty franchise, begun in 2003, recently surpassed 400 million games sold. 'Call of Duty: Warzone,' the franchise's take on the battle royale genre made popular by games such as 'Fortnite,' has topped 100 million players.
Between now and May 9, the game publisher will donate $1 (up to $1 million) for each player who earns the endowment card by reviving other players. If 1 million players finish the challenge, all 'Call of Duty: Warzone' player will get a day in which they earn double experience points.
With other in-game promotions and events during May, which is Military Appreciation Month, the #CODEMedicalHeroes campaign hopes to raise $3 million to fund efforts to place more than 5,800 veterans into jobs. A key supporter, the Pilot Company, which has travel centers in 44 states across the U.S., has announced it is donating $100,000 to the campaign, which will fund the placement of about 200 veterans, the endowment says.
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The Call of Duty Endowment Battle Doc Pack, available in 'Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War' and 'Call of Duty: Warzone,' has a brand-new Operator Skin, available in May. Proceeds go to help veterans find civilian jobs.
U.S. Army veteran medic Timothy Hobbs is an avid Call of Duty player who helped design the battle doc pack. Hobbs knows about the struggles of military medical personnel in the transition to the civilian workplace.
Hobbs, 39, began researching his post-military career path two years before leaving the Army in 2020 and found it hard to be considered for health care jobs. “We get all this training in combat medicine, battlefield surgery … and we can do all these great things that you read about and make all these cutting edge decisions and it becomes the way of military medicine,' said Hobbs, who was deployed on four combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and on a humanitarian mission in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. 'But on the outside we can’t do any of that.”
Army Veteran Combat Medic Timothy Hobbs Jr., shown with his family (from left to right: Tim, Harrison, Brittany, and Jackson Hobbs) on June 30th, 2020 at Fort Benning, Georgia. Sergeant First Class Timothy Hobbs was deployed on four combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and on one humanitarian mission in Puerto Rico, after Hurricane Maria. The Call of Duty Endowment helped the avid Call of Duty player get a civilian job.
The organization Still Serving Veterans, based in Alabama but working across the U.S., connected him with Eagle Harbor Solutions, where he is currently a senior health care analyst.
Hobbs’ story is not unique, says Dan Goldenberg, the endowment's executive director and a retired Navy captain. During the coronavirus pandemic, he contacted one of the endowment’s biggest grantees, Hire Heroes USA, about how placement was going for medics and corpsmen. The group said more than half of the medics and corpsmen wanted to work in civilian health care but couldn’t find jobs, even with Hire Heroes USA's assistance.
At the minimum the military invests $100,000 in training for medical workers, Goldenberg said. “It is staggering to me that there is not a direct route to the civilian health care jobs for them,' he said. 'That stems from the patchwork of red tape across country.'
Still, there were prominent examples of military medical care helping in the fight against COVID-19. Military personnel staffed a temporary hospital set up in April 2020 in New York, overseen by the Columbia University Irving Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital. And the Navy ships, the USNS Mercy and the USNS Comfort went to the ports of Los Angeles and New York in March 2020 to help treat COVID patients.
Many states have their own certification for various jobs such as emergency medical technician and physicians assistant. But there's some potential breakthroughs on that front, too.
The Supporting Education Recognition for Veterans during Emergencies (SERVE) Act, reintroduced recently by U.S. Reps. Conor Lamb, D-Penn., and Jenniffer González-Colón, R-Puerto Rico, would recognize veterans’ medical qualifications in helping fight the pandemic and creates an intermediate care technician program to help them get jobs with the Veterans Administration medical centers and studies other opportunities beyond the VA system.
Veterans have much to give to health care beyond their medical knowledge, Dr. David W. Callaway, professor of emergency medicine at the Carolinas Medical Center In Charlotte, N.C., and a former physician with the U.S. Marines. “They understand team dynamics,' he said. 'They know when to lead and when to follow and decision making in uncertainty.'
Those with military medical experience can also handle situations health care facilities were confronted with during the pandemic, Callaway said. “What we found in the last year is that we had to make decisions not knowing all the information,' he said. 'People with the military understand that personal accountability. Like health care workers, those in the military have a sense of service and sense of purpose. Vets can come in and bring this resilience.”
Spreading the message of military medicine before tens of millions of young Americans who play 'Call of Duty,' he said, 'changes the narrative. That is important for changing things.'
Follow Mike Snider on Twitter: @MikeSnider.
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Call of Duty: In-game perks aim to help vets get civilian medical jobs