Outriders: here's where to buy it at the best price

Update April 1, 2021: Outriders has finally landed on the market, buy it now at the best price available!On April 1, Outriders, a cooperative multiplayer RPG shooter from People Can Fly and Square Enix that promises to do, will finally be released on the market the joy of lovers of the genre. 4 unique classes to choose from, the dynamism of a shooter, the depth of an RPG and a sci-fi universe to explore: Outriders seems to have all the credentials to establish itself as one of the most interesting titles of this spring without too many problems. >
What better way to pass the wait that still separates us from April 1st than by booking it at what is the best price available on the market?
By booking Outriders at numerous stores it will also be possible to obtain the Day One Edition, a special edition of the People Can Fly title containing a whole series of intriguing digital bonuses, at the same price as the Standard Edition. In addition to the game, it contains the Hell's Rangers equipment set, an arsenal of 11 unique Hell's Rangers weapons and mods and decals for the Hell's Rangers convoy.
An excellent boost, in short, for start immediately at the best with Outriders, obviously always at what is the best price on the market!
Instant Gaming - Day One Edition PC | 40,94 € eBay - Day One Edition PS4 | 57,90 € eBay - Day One Edition PS5 | 74,99 € Unieuro - Standard Edition PS4 | € 69.99 Unieuro - Standard Edition Xbox One-Xbox Series X | € 69.99 Amazon - Day One Edition PS4 | € 59.99 Amazon - Day One Edition PS5 | € 69.99 Amazon - Day One Edition Xbox One-Xbox Series X | € 69.99 Gamestop - Day One Edition PS4 | 74,98 € Gamestop - Day One Edition PS5 | 74,98 € Gamestop - Day One Edition Xbox One-Xbox Series X | 74,98 € Gamestop - Day One Edition PC | € 60.99 Mediaworld - Day One Edition PS4 | € 74.99 Mediaworld - Day One Edition PS5 | € 69.99 Mediaworld - Day One Edition Xbox One-Xbox Series X | € 69.99
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People Can FlyOutriders has finally arrived after a few different delays, standard in the AAA space these days, and looks to try to be a new looter IP that does not fall flat on its face at launch. So far, that seems to be going pretty well.
As has been well documented, I previously put 30 hours into the beta, and I managed to get full game access a day early thanks to a code from Square Enix. I’m level 22 on my Trickster and yes, I already have at least some amount of advice to give you as I march my way through the campaign.
Here are five things I wish I knew when I started Outriders.
People Can Fly1. Just…Don’t Use Cover
I can count the number of times on one hand I’ve actually used cover as Trickster in the first 22 levels here. This was something it took most of the demo to figure out, but in Outriders, cover is mainly for the enemies, not for you. If you’re staying in cover you will get pinged and grenaded to death, and the “correct” way to play is to constantly be roaming and taking shots, yes, but healing yourself on kill with whatever your class’s ability is (close range kills for Trickster and Devastator, any damage on Technomancer, burn-marked enemy kills on Pyromancer). If you try to play this like a cover shooter, you will hate it. If you play aggressively like this is Diablo with guns, you will have a much better time. Trust me.
People Can Fly2. Craft Early And Craft Often
If you’re like me, you may think you need to save all your resources for endgame, and what’s the point of modding gear you’re going to replace all the time? Well, as soon as you start hitting blue gear which comes with a mod slot for your abilities, it’s time to start crafting. Talk to your crafting guy in camp where you can replace your mod in your gear with any other mod from gear you’ve dismantled (and you will soon be dismantling tons of gear). It costs practically nothing at low levels here, so there’s literally no reason at all to not mod your gear so it works with your skills and is the highest stat benefit available for your character. Mods can double or triple the effectiveness of any of your skills, or turn a gun from garbage to gold, and it’s a waste to not mod pretty much anything that isn’t being actively useful, even if you’re miles from the endgame.
People Can Fly3. You Do Not Have To Always Be On Max World Tier Difficulty To Make Progress
This is something that was me coming to terms with my own stubbornness. As you play, you will get XP for both your character and your world tier. But eventually, you may reach a world tier that you are simple undergeared for. I played through one WWII-ish segment where I was supposed to storm a massive amount of enemies in battlefield trenches and got roasted at least two dozen times. Finally, I relented, and lowered from World Tier 7 to World Tier 6. No, I wasn’t making world tier progress, but you are still gaining XP and getting drops. I finished that mission and a few more after it, and then managed to find enough better gear where now I’m cruising through World Tier 7 toward 8, and the cycle repeats through 15.
Paradoxzyx4. Respecing Skill Points Is Free So Try Everything Out
Again, I’m another person who agonizes over where every skill point should be in a tree, but in Outriders, you can reset your entire skill tree at any time for no cost, which is often not the case for games like this. For my playthrough, I started out doing an Anomaly Power-focused build for Trickster, but ultimately scrapped that about 10 points in and instead went to the Firepower tree where I now have 50% weapon damage after I use pretty much any skill in my arsenal. I’m liking it way more, and the point is, you don’t need to feel locked in.
People Can Fly5. Go Through Every Dialogue Option
People may think I’m crazy to say this, but I am starting to think that Outriders may have some…genuinely good story elements to it, and is a level beyond the generic sci-fi tale it may appear to be. One of the best ways to flesh out the world is to talking to members of your team and vendors. Here, the game has animated every conversation path with full performance capture, meaning you’re not just staring at someone’s face as they talk like it’s Fallout, they move around and it’s an actual scene, and also fills in some valuable information about the world and your place in it. I haven’t gone through the journal entries yet but I imagine those help too. I would argue that despite Outriders and Anthem sharing a similar story, People Can Fly has done better than BioWare here with the same concept.
Those are my five pieces of advice for now. More to come soon enough.
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