Mass Effect: Legendary Edition: So much effort has gone into the new graphics

Mass Effect
The Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will be released in exactly one month. To get in the mood for the release, developer Bioware has published another blog post, including a new trailer and fresh images. After the last post was about the many game improvements, this time everything revolves around the revised graphics. Bioware has made numerous technical changes for the new edition of the acclaimed Shepard trilogy in order to spruce up the appearance of the remaster version.02:09
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition: Trailer with graphic comparison loadVideoPlayer (' 83715 ',' & sAdSetCsategory = article_featured ', 12, '16: 9', false, 1370251, false, 276968, 260, false, 0, '', '', false); Mass Effect: Legendary Edition from 69.99 € According to the developers, 30,000 textures alone have been revised, sharpened and extrapolated. The first part of the series in particular should benefit greatly from this, after all, it was originally released for the Xbox 360 in 2007 and was initially designed for an output of 720p. The new edition, on the other hand, should support resolutions up to 4K. The lighting in many cut scenes has also been improved, and new effects such as additional particles and reflective surfaces have been added.
Graphics comparison: Original vs. Legendary Edition Mass Effect (2007) Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021) Full HD Comparison
With all changes, Bioware also wants to be careful not to falsify the look of the original games. Although some things, such as the character models, should now feel like one piece in all games, special features in the character design - such as scars, clothing and the like - will be retained as in the originals. Details such as hair and skin have also been revised, and the developers have ironed out many optical errors, bugs and inconsistencies in the design of the surroundings.
The rendered intermediate sequences have been replaced by new 4K versions, if possible; the remaining videos were extrapolated by an AI based on the uncompressed original files. Some of the particularly barren environments are also to be given new details.
Graphics comparison: Original vs. Legendary Edition Mass Effect (2007) Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021) Full HD comparison
Mass Effect Remastered: More than just a graphics upgrade
In addition to the 4K rejuvenation treatment, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (buy now 69.99 € / 53.99 €) should also offer some playful detail improvements . Here, too, the first part was in the foreground for Bioware, because it has aged significantly worse than Mass Effect 2 and 3. Among other things, the developers have revised the combat system, so that the action should feel more tangible and direct. The cover mechanics have also been tweaked and the UI has been adapted for all three games. According to Bioware, the notorious Mako should now steer itself much better, the vehicle has new boosters, a more precise cannon and more dead weight.We have summarized all the details about the playful revisions for you here.
Graphics comparison: Original vs. Legendary Edition Mass Effect (2007) Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021) Full-HD comparison
Date and price
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will be released on May 14, 2021 for PC (Steam and Origin), PS4 and Xbox One. The price on consoles is around 70 euros, the PC version is ten euros cheaper. For this you get the complete trilogy about Commanders Shepard including (almost) all DLCs. The fan-unpopular Mass Effect: Andromeda is not included. You can already pre-order Mass Effect: Legendary Edition on the official site.Sources: Bioware, Playstation Blog
'Mass Effect Legendary Edition' comparison trailer shows off the upgrades
PS5’s first major update adds a ton of new features and improvementsThe PlayStation 5 technically launched five months ago, but countless gamers are still desperate to get their hands on the new console as it continues to pop in and out of stock on a daily basis. Nevertheless, more than 6 million PS5 consoles have been sold as of March, and Sony is finally ready to release the first major software update. On Tuesday, Sony announced that the PS5 April update will begin rolling out on April 14th, bringing a number of long-awaited new features and improvements to the console. The biggest addition is one that fans have been requesting since before the console even launched. Once the update arrives, PS5 owners will finally be able to transfer their games from the console's internal storage to a compatible USB external hard drive. Not being able to store games on external hard drives has been among the biggest gripes of early adopters. From now on, everyone with a PS5 can store games that they aren't playing on a hard drive, and as soon as they're ready to play those games again, they can copy them back over to the internal storage and reinstall them in a flash. Sony points out that reinstalling a game from USB extended storage is faster than redownloading from the PlayStation Store or copying the data from a disc, so that's even more incentive to use the feature. Unfortunately, you can't actually play a PS5 game from an external drive, because PS5 games 'are designed to take advantage of the console’s ultra high-speed SSD.' You also can't download a game directly to an external drive -- it needs to be downloaded to the console and copied over once the download is complete. The PS5 will support M.2 drives for high-speed storage expansion in the future, but Sony wasn't ready to share any updates. There are also new social features coming to both PS4 and PS5 in April. Starting this month, PS4 and PS5 players will be able to use the Share Play feature while they're in a party together. In other words, PS5 users can let their friends on PS4 view their game screen or even try out the game over the internet. This works in both directions as well, so someone playing on a PS5 could try out a game their friend is playing on PS4. In addition to sharing your screen, you can also use Share Play to pass a second controller virtually to play co-op games. Other PS5 updates include an improved Game Base menu with quicker access to the most important features, the ability to quickly disable in-game chat more easily, pre-downloads for game updates, the option to search your game library and hide games from view, a new screen zoom feature, and new trophy settings. Finally, the PlayStation App for iOS and Android is getting a bunch of new features as well, 'including the ability to join a multiplayer session on PS5 from the app, manage your PS5 console storage, compare trophy collections with friends, and sort and filter products shown in the PlayStation Store.'