Italy invests 18 million in a project for the microelectronics industry

The Ministry of Economic Development finances the program carried out by FCA, Comau and StMicroelectronics in the field of industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 (Getty Images) Improving manufacturing productivity, through innovative techniques and tools typical of industry 4.0: it is the goal of a research and development plan in the microelectronic production sector, included in an innovation agreement authorized by the Ministry of Economic Development (Mise) with the Lombardy and Sicily regions.The project was presented by StMicroelectronics, Fca Italy, Comau, Politecnico di Torino and Cnr - institute for microelectronics and microsystems: called Madein4, it intends to develop systems to manage and monitor business processes in real time, guaranteeing precision and accuracy in the product manufacturing phases. A program for the smart factory which, once implemented, will allow the three companies to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the production systems at the sites of Catania, Agrate (Monza and Brianza) and Grugliasco (Turin), as well as to guarantee the employment of workers, according to the Ministry.
The agreement provides for a total investment of over 18.7 million euros, for which the MISE provides 5.6 million euros in subsidized loans, another 4 approximately millions of euros derive from European funding. The project was selected by the European Union as part of the Ecsel Ju 2018 call (Electronics components and systems for European leadership), pillar of the European industrial strategy in the field of electronics, supported by Horizon 2020 and by several European countries, including Italy.
Madein4 (Metrology advances for digitized Ecs industry 4.0) is a consortium of 47 partners from ten countries, engaged in the technology supply chain, from semiconductor manufacturers to metrology and cybernetic and physical systems integration companies, up to applications in automotive and European manufacturing in general. Led by the Israeli leader Applied materials Israel, it has received total European funding of 29.38 million euros, and has a total budget of 126.2 million euros.
The joint technology initiative of the Union (Ecsel) was in place between 2014 and 2020, with the aim of creating jobs and raking in additional private investment in innovation. It will be replaced by the new Key digital technologies program.
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