How the new babysitting bonus works

From the requirements to the admitted expenses, from the categories that can apply to the times and methods for the application: this is how the help for families works
A family (Getty Images) The online applications for the baby bonus open -sitting for parents who have children under the age of 14 who carry out teaching remotely or are in quarantine. The amount can reach a maximum of 100 euros per week and will be paid to the family booklet. It can be used to pay for babysitting services or for enrollments in summer camps and other socio-educational services.Where to apply
From today 8 April to 30, the Institute National Social Security has opened the online procedures to request the new bonus, valid for services until June 30th. The application can be submitted directly from the INPS website, by searching for "Baby sitting services bonus" in the search bar of the site. Users will be able to access the service through the public digital identity system (Spid) code of at least security level 2, with the electronic identity card or through the pin code of the national services card (Cns). It can also be requested through tax assistance centers or patronages, using the free services they offer.Who can request it
The bonus is available for freelancers without a specific social security fund registered in the separate management of INPS; self-employed workers registered with INPS; all defense, security and public rescue personnel employed in the containment of the Covid-19 emergency; and health workers from both the public and private sectors (doctors, nurses, biomedical laboratory technicians, radiology technicians, social and health workers including rescuers and drivers).Employees are therefore excluded, including teachers and Ata staff, as was the case for the 2020 bonus.
The bonus will be issued to a single parent per household and will not be paid if one of the two is in smart working, is taking parental leave, is not engaged in any work activity or has been suspended from work.Furthermore , for those who are taking advantage of the so-called nursery bonus, it will not be possible to use the baby-sitting bonus to pay fees for summer camps and other educational services for children, but only to pay for a babysitter.
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