Facebook wants to change the News Feed algorithm to make us less angry

Facebook wants to change the News Feed algorithm to make us less angry

Menlo Park will change its algorithms to show posts more in line with users' tastes, putting aside political posts and more divisive ones in favor of "inspirational" content. Will it be enough to change course?

(image: Facebook) Facebook has announced its intention to change the way its algorithm will display posts to users on their News Feed. The intention of the colossus of Menlo Park is simple, and only apparently obvious: to show users only posts with positive content, leaving those divisive or contrary to their beliefs hidden from view.

Towards the end of March , the social network has christened new filters to allow users to customize their feed. Now he is interested in making the algorithm learn to distinguish what a user likes and what he dislikes or triggers negative reactions, putting aside the political contents that have also - with their engagement rate - made the fortune of Facebook and preferring what Menlo Park defines as "inspirational posts" of a more practical nature or related to personal hobbies and interests.

To better train the algorithm, Facebook will exploit user feedback and a series of surveys that measure the weight and influences of friends, pages and groups preferred by users. “If people say a post is worth their time, we will aim to show posts like the one highest in the news feed; and if it's not worth their time, we'll queue them at the bottom of the News Feed, ”wrote Aastha Gupta, Facebook's Product Management Director on the company's blog.

Facebook also says it will ask users what topics are not interesting, so you can show them other posts that are more relevant to their interests, improving the average sentiment of the platform.

Among the news announced, it is important to underline the choice of Facebook to give less importance to political posts. This decision came after the company's latest hearing convened in the US Congress in March to discuss the role the social network has played in increasing political division in the United States.

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