There is also the Immune app in Draghi's first DPCM

Immuni is in the DPCM
The app is mentioned in art. 5, where the "information and prevention measures throughout the national territory" are indicated. The article states:in order to make contact tracing more effective through the use of the Immune App, the health worker of the Prevention Department of the local health company is obliged to access the central Immune, to upload the key code in the presence of a case of positivity
Words that, to be honest, sound out of tune. Immuni is in fact carried out with the burden of a mandatory reporting on the part of health workers, something that in over a semester of experience has never been able to develop. The text is, however, ambiguous, since if it is necessary to report the positivity by the health worker, then the usefulness of the call center created specifically to solve this problematic junction that has largely hindered the establishment of the app is no longer useful. .
In some ways it is as if the DPCM were even taking a step backwards, restoring Immuni even in a moment in which its usefulness now seems completely declassified: 10.3 million Italians have downloaded it, almost 13 thousand the positive results reported (a few dozen a day), 91 thousand notifications sent and the pace of activity now at a glance.
Yet during yesterday's press conference, without ever making any direct reference, Dr. Brusaferro, President of the Superior Health Council, recalled how tracing has returned to being fundamental: it allows the new variants to be isolated with greater incidence, trying to slow down their evolution and therefore facilitate new accelerations of infections. As if to say: if we had Immuni spread over the territory, it would help the meager tracking possibilities that the health authority can provide with its own strength.