Super Mario Bros., Bowsette's sexy cosplay by Oichi: here are the photos

Super Mario Bros., Bowsette's sexy cosplay by Oichi
Bowsette remains one of the most beloved unofficial characters in the Super Mario Bros. franchise, and Oichi has seen fit to dedicate one of his latest cosplay to her. The result? Spicy.The Russian model is actually only the last to have tried her hand with the provocative Bowsette: before her we have seen the interpretations signed by Helly Valentine, DomSkyeRN and Jessica Nigri, all remarkable.
Born from the imagination of Super Mario fans, the female version of Bowser made its debut in 2018 and immediately earned a respected place in the collective imagination of fans of the Nintendo universe.
A true and its own phenomenon, especially on social networks: in the year of its debut, Bowsette triumphed at the Twitter Trend Awards, confirming its extraordinary popularity.
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