Pokémon: stripping pokémon is one of the most disturbing trends of the moment

The popularity of Pokemon but peeled is growing on Twitter, a profile born as a joke, but which now has more than 66 thousand subscribers. As the name suggests, on this profile there are images that show how the pokémon would be if they were stripped. An operation that we anticipate immediately shows a disturbing side both of the pokémon fans and of the pocket monsters themselves.This is because on Pokemon but peeled not only pokémon are shaved, but they are also stripped all those things that "protrude" from their bodies. Something that often also means removing eyes, tails or fins, if they are protruding.
The result sometimes lets you understand what the pokémon is the source of inspiration, but always leaves a feeling of restlessness. Both because it takes a good (sick) fantasy to think about such a thing, and because of the results obtained. Wailord, for example, looks like a giant eggplant, while Lopunny a rabbit ready to be put in the oven.
In order to recognize the pokèmon, Pokemon but peeled posts the photos with the PokéDex number included, so as not to have doubts. For example, we had to look for pokémon 391 to figure out who this pocket monster was:
Below this video you can see the process used by the creators to achieve this result. At the moment Pokemon but peeled has reached about the middle of the fourth generation of pokémon and he intends to continue with his work until the completion of the PokéDex.
Before leaving we share the photo of what looks like a young Pikachu ( n ° 25). What do you think?
Peeled Pokémon Are Disturbing, But I Can't Stop Looking
Nothing really prepares you for stumbling upon a Lopunny that has had parts of its fur and flesh peeled off it, leaving a smooth monstrosity. And yet, that happened to me one day on Twitter. Now I can’t stop looking at all the other peeled Pokémon.
(Peeled Pokémon gave me permission to share their artwork and tweets in this post.)
That peeled Lopunny, as well as all the other peeled Pokémon in this post, was created by one person. They run a Twitter account dedicated to “peeling” Pokémon.
You might be wondering, what does peeling a Pokémon even mean? Well, that’s hard to define. Peeling is the act of removing bits of Pokémon, usually the ears and tails, then cleaning up the image to create a new... thing.
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Sometimes what’s left resembles the original Pokémon. Other times you are left with objects that vaguely look like they might be alive. Or at least once were alive.
To create these images, the person behind Peeled Pokémon spends a few minutes using a Wacom tablet and painting software to peel off bits of Pokémon. They are working through the Pokédex in order. They are currently in the middle of Generation 4, the poor bastards.
This all started as a joke between friends. They started posted the creations to Twitter “have a place to store them all” and since then its become a popular account, with nearly 65k followers. And because Peeled Pokémon is going in a set order through the Pokédex, you can look up what’s coming and try to prepare yourself.
If you want to go find a specific Pokémon and see what it looks like peeled, check out the account’s official website which has direct links to each Pokémon that has been peeled, sorted by generation. You are only a few clicks away from looking at what happened to Pikachu after it was peeled. I’ll do clicks for you. Here you go:
Oh god... Horrible. I’ll just look at one more...